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Dreams Cancun - Questions for those married here!

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I am super excited! We finished up our table numbers today and seating chart. Im waiting to hear back from cecilia and this fireworks company. We wanted to do fireworks in the ending but cecilia is telling me it is prohibited on the property. The company promedsa told us they can possibly do it from the hotel next door as long as dreams agreed to it. 

Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust View Post

Originally Posted by jana297 View Post

Anyone have communication with Claudia over the last month. She has not returned one of my emails. Starting to wonder if she still works there.

she just emailed me this week! 


But didn't answer my questions, lol.  I asked for her information on butterfly releases and asked her if she uses Liberacion de mariposas and if so would she give them a call (I gave her the number).  Then I asked her how much DJ Mannia and the dance floor would be for us total and separate (we may just do the dance floor and go with our ipod).  She sent back that her butterfly people when out of business and I could use mine and that she would use them in the future if it turned out well for me (so I guess I'm doing that myself) and she commented that the dance floor is nice (no price).  Ahhhhh!  She always does that.  You would think that if you respond to someone only once every few months, you would make it worth the wait by answering the persons questions.  She cracks me up, but she was awesome to work with in person at my site visit, so no worries!


Also, does anyone else know the size of the dance floor?  We are taking dance lessons in March and our instructor wants to know the amount of space he has to work with when he choreographs the dance.  I'm looking for the dimensions. 


Updates!  I am in such a lazy rut right now.  I'm on call with three different jobs and whenever I try to plan a day to start my invites, order favors, OOT bags, etc, I get called in!  I need the money, but I really need to get on the ball.  Also, pretty much everyone on his side has booked, including friends.  Not one of my side has book except for my dad.  Not even my maids (well, except for the one who is dating the best man, since they booked together, and FI's sister, but still, that's his side).  My maids have been promising for months, and I'm afraid that all the good direct flights will be sold out.  I know, I know.... be patient!  My cousin came with to shop for BM dresses, but then never ordered hers and I had to authorize the mass order without hers or else everyone else that paid for theirs wouldn't get it in time (and I'm not going to buy a dress for someone I'm not even sure is coming).  Then she fell off the face of the planet and didn't return my calls or messages for over a month, AND skipped out on any holiday family gathering where I planned to ask her.  Then out of nowhere, calls me last week saying she's booking when her taxes come in.  I have no idea what to do for a dress with her and quite frankly, I still think in the back of my mind that she'll wiggle out of it again.  I just want her to be honest with me, but I think she's not even being honest with herself.  She wants to go so badly, but then feels guilty when she realizes how hard it is going to be.  She doesn't even have a phone right now (hence the not calling me... she has to borrow her friends phone).  It's funny though, because all of this doesn't seem to bother me as much as it used to.  I realized I can't control any of this (except for making the invites and swag).  I just keep counting down to the day (less than 6 months!)  I keep reading about all of your weddings coming up and can't wait to see some reviews!  Rachel, are you super stoked yet!?!?! 


P.S.  I got legally (and Catholic) married last week.  Shhhhhhh!


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we brought sparklers with us from the dollar store and lit them and they never said anything to us and Claudia was sitting right there so those must be allowed if you wanted to go with them instead of fireworks!


PS. My review is done and all typed up but I can't load it from my mac for some reason so i will have to figure something else out!

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My email from Claudia today...


Mannia doesn´t work with us anymore, they never showed up for a wedding this week.


Our DJ is $  280 usd + 11 % tax per hour

Dance floor $ 600 usd + 11 % tax + 15% set up.



I still want to ask her about the dimensions of the floor.  And I can't believe that Mannia wouldn't show up for a wedding!  I hope that wasn't one of our girls!  I guess we will be getting DoReMixx from now on.  If some of you future brides hired Mannia, you might want to contact Claudia to get an understanding on your personal situation.  What a bomb drop!  I wonder if this means the dance floor changes.  I like Mannia's better than DoReMixx's.  Oh well.




Originally Posted by clgriffi7 View Post

Chris -   If you wouldn't mind, when you get the information on the DJ and the dance floor prices can you post them here?  I plan on doing both (the light up dance floor) and would love to know the final price.


Sorry to hear about your side of the wedding not booking yet - especially your cousin.  I think you are right in thinking there still may be a good chance that she doesn't make it.  I don't doubt that she is trying to come and if she needs a tax return that it might not end up happeneing.  But is sounds like you have lowered your expectations so you won't be disappointed.


I see impending family drama with my sister on the horizon:  to not have to worry about which friends could or could not make it, my fiance and I are only having family in the wedding party.  My sister will be my only bridesmaid and my fiance is having his father and his two brothers.  Well - my sister is married and has been trying to have a baby and it hasn't worked out for them.  So she and her husband will try in-vitro this summer.  So, if it works, she will be approaching the 6-month flight restriction when my wedding rolls around.  Add to that she HATES flying - has commented on driving from North Carolina to either Miami or Texas for shorter flights!!!  She has said that she is only planning on staying in Mexico for 3 nights!  If I hated flying that much, you better believe I would be staying long enough to make it worth the torture.  My mother has offered to pay for a couple of extra nights for she and her husband and call it their birthday presents for the year (so they won't feel like they are getting a freebie), but they said no.  So I think my sister, my only bridesmaid, might try and back out on me at the last minute.  Just a guess but between a potential pregnancy, hating to fly (when she did fly for her honeymoon she had medication which she likely won't be able to take if preggers), and only wanting to stay the minimum number of nights.  I hope I am wrong, but I can see it coming....

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Interesting.. My wedding is next Thursday and Cecilia hasnt mentioned anything about not using Mannia anymore. 

Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust View Post

My email from Claudia today...


Mannia doesn´t work with us anymore, they never showed up for a wedding this week.


Our DJ is $  280 usd + 11 % tax per hour

Dance floor $ 600 usd + 11 % tax + 15% set up.



I still want to ask her about the dimensions of the floor.  And I can't believe that Mannia wouldn't show up for a wedding!  I hope that wasn't one of our girls!  I guess we will be getting DoReMixx from now on.  If some of you future brides hired Mannia, you might want to contact Claudia to get an understanding on your personal situation.  What a bomb drop!  I wonder if this means the dance floor changes.  I like Mannia's better than DoReMixx's.  Oh well.




Originally Posted by clgriffi7 View Post

Chris -   If you wouldn't mind, when you get the information on the DJ and the dance floor prices can you post them here?  I plan on doing both (the light up dance floor) and would love to know the final price.


Sorry to hear about your side of the wedding not booking yet - especially your cousin.  I think you are right in thinking there still may be a good chance that she doesn't make it.  I don't doubt that she is trying to come and if she needs a tax return that it might not end up happeneing.  But is sounds like you have lowered your expectations so you won't be disappointed.


I see impending family drama with my sister on the horizon:  to not have to worry about which friends could or could not make it, my fiance and I are only having family in the wedding party.  My sister will be my only bridesmaid and my fiance is having his father and his two brothers.  Well - my sister is married and has been trying to have a baby and it hasn't worked out for them.  So she and her husband will try in-vitro this summer.  So, if it works, she will be approaching the 6-month flight restriction when my wedding rolls around.  Add to that she HATES flying - has commented on driving from North Carolina to either Miami or Texas for shorter flights!!!  She has said that she is only planning on staying in Mexico for 3 nights!  If I hated flying that much, you better believe I would be staying long enough to make it worth the torture.  My mother has offered to pay for a couple of extra nights for she and her husband and call it their birthday presents for the year (so they won't feel like they are getting a freebie), but they said no.  So I think my sister, my only bridesmaid, might try and back out on me at the last minute.  Just a guess but between a potential pregnancy, hating to fly (when she did fly for her honeymoon she had medication which she likely won't be able to take if preggers), and only wanting to stay the minimum number of nights.  I hope I am wrong, but I can see it coming....


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Just spoke to Cecilia. She said that Mannia is going to be at my wedding. They are now using a new DJ company so for all new bookings it will have to be there company but Mannia will finish off all the booked events on schedule. 

Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust View Post

My email from Claudia today...


Mannia doesn´t work with us anymore, they never showed up for a wedding this week.


Our DJ is $  280 usd + 11 % tax per hour

Dance floor $ 600 usd + 11 % tax + 15% set up.



I still want to ask her about the dimensions of the floor.  And I can't believe that Mannia wouldn't show up for a wedding!  I hope that wasn't one of our girls!  I guess we will be getting DoReMixx from now on.  If some of you future brides hired Mannia, you might want to contact Claudia to get an understanding on your personal situation.  What a bomb drop!  I wonder if this means the dance floor changes.  I like Mannia's better than DoReMixx's.  Oh well.




Originally Posted by clgriffi7 View Post

Chris -   If you wouldn't mind, when you get the information on the DJ and the dance floor prices can you post them here?  I plan on doing both (the light up dance floor) and would love to know the final price.


Sorry to hear about your side of the wedding not booking yet - especially your cousin.  I think you are right in thinking there still may be a good chance that she doesn't make it.  I don't doubt that she is trying to come and if she needs a tax return that it might not end up happeneing.  But is sounds like you have lowered your expectations so you won't be disappointed.


I see impending family drama with my sister on the horizon:  to not have to worry about which friends could or could not make it, my fiance and I are only having family in the wedding party.  My sister will be my only bridesmaid and my fiance is having his father and his two brothers.  Well - my sister is married and has been trying to have a baby and it hasn't worked out for them.  So she and her husband will try in-vitro this summer.  So, if it works, she will be approaching the 6-month flight restriction when my wedding rolls around.  Add to that she HATES flying - has commented on driving from North Carolina to either Miami or Texas for shorter flights!!!  She has said that she is only planning on staying in Mexico for 3 nights!  If I hated flying that much, you better believe I would be staying long enough to make it worth the torture.  My mother has offered to pay for a couple of extra nights for she and her husband and call it their birthday presents for the year (so they won't feel like they are getting a freebie), but they said no.  So I think my sister, my only bridesmaid, might try and back out on me at the last minute.  Just a guess but between a potential pregnancy, hating to fly (when she did fly for her honeymoon she had medication which she likely won't be able to take if preggers), and only wanting to stay the minimum number of nights.  I hope I am wrong, but I can see it coming....


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Hey, i found some sparklers on this website...www.sayanythingceramics.com good luck!

Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust View Post

Oh, and I was told by Claudia that Sparklers were fine!  Shoot, i meant to buy mine last 4th... where can I get them now?


Oh a review is up now!  Yay... can't wait to look at it girl!  Thank you so much!

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