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Dreams Cancun - Questions for those married here!

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When I was planning my wedding I hired a photographer to fly out there with me & when I told Claudia I wouldn't be needing the resort photographer, she specifically told me no outside photogs...she even sent me a link to Juan Navarros website. I was disappointed at the time that i had to cancel our photographer, but now that it's over & after working with Juan, I couldn't be happier with the choice.....BUT i do think it's crazy that you can't bring your own if your paying...

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If you can't get any credit for the flowers can you use that money for say the gazebo decorations?


My guess is that for each package you probably get a certain monetary amount of flowers that are typically used in the manner laid out in the package.  But if you wanted a bridesmaid bouquet instead of all the corsages and bouts then that would probably be okay because the florist and resort are getting the same amount of money. Know what I mean?  So maybe you could see if all of the different flowers in the package could be traded in for one thing (like gazebo decorations) that you could then not need to buy from your outside florist.  You wouldn't be getting the best value, but at least it wouldn't be totally wasteful.  I keep saying gazebo decorations because I think that flowers from 2 different florists wouldn't match exactly so you have to decide which ones would be okay to be different.


Best of luck.

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Ladies there is no way Claudia can tell you you cant bring in your own photographer. #1 this photographer is technically a paying guest at the resort, they just "coincidentally" have a really really good camera and will be taking pictures of you guys!   I say dont even mention the word Photographer to Claudia just let her know that you will not be needing the photo part of your package your GUEST will be taking the pictures!

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At the very least you should be able to trade them in for petals for a flower girl and maybe those cones of petals for guests to toss as you are walking down the isle (I have always thought that make for a really pretty picture).    Just trying to think of a way that it won't be a complete loss for you.  Still pissed off for you.


For the photographer, I am hoping worst case is that my photographer comes as a "guest" (though this guest will have a ton of equipment!! - lighting and such) and I get no credit for not using Juan.  That would really upset my fiance.  In that event I would have to get creative and find a time to use Juan's services - but for pictures that I don't care about getting the CD for as I wouldn't want to pay the extra $300 for that.

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Hi Laides,

Got married on Nov 3rd - truly it was fabulous!  I have been crazy in work since and will try to get my review up over the weekend.....  I can say that I thought of using another photographer but wow did Juan Navarros team do an outstanding job, I put 15 shots up on my facebook and have over 40 friends comments stating they are the best wedding photos they have basically seen - the guys are genius.......

In regards to flowers, I switched 2 corages for a bridesmaid bouquet which was just simple 3 stems, but my bouquet was lovely, I was extremely happy with the flowers they provided.

Promise to get my review this weekend as I was in your situation a few weeks ago.

Take care,


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