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Gran Bahia Principe Akumal/Tulum/Coba - POST HERE!

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You will be fine flowerchild. This site will help you out so much.I think without this site and some of the past brides that pop on here regularly I would be a wreck. I wouldnt have a clue about what to expect, all of the options or how to go about things. Jazmin (my WC) has been good at responding really seeing as our wedding is not until November but even so without this forum I think I would be so apprehensive about the wedding and how it was going to turn out which I am not. 


So thanks again to all the past and future brides for your help, info and advice. Only 8 months of questions and queries to go. xx


Originally Posted by Flowerchild23 View Post

Thank you so much for the encouragement. I don't think we're doing anything too different, so hopefully it goes off without a hitch! This site has done wonders to ease my panic. Thank you again!


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I am really undecided on wether to go with the spa for my hair. I have heard such mixed reveiws about them, it scares me! I would love to not have to worry about my own hair on my wedding day but i am also very picky, so it could amount to a lot of unneeded stress! Has anyone had any luck with bringing in a picture?

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Yeah they are in Akumal.  Our engagement and ttd pictures were in Akumal,  the wedding day pictures were all in tulum.  Our photographer was from Calgary, Kelly Szott.

Originally Posted by fraggle42 View Post

Is the pier and swing bar in the akumel section?



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Personally, I just didnâ€t want to risk it with the salon, Iâ€ve heard too many mixed reviews. I decided to bring in someone to do my hair & makeup, itâ€s just one of those things Iâ€d rather not stress about.  I can be VERY picky lol. 


Have you took a look at the official GBP Riviera thread? there are some more reviews there to get an idea of what to expect. 




Iâ€m bringing in MVP to do my hair and makeup and feel very at ease with them. I found them on this website and they have great reviews. They were a little more than what I wanted to pay originally, but when I reviewed their portfolio and read the reviews, they were exactly the style I was looking for. 


Good luck deciding!  Go with your gut!

Originally Posted by GenaP View Post

I am really undecided on wether to go with the spa for my hair. I have heard such mixed reveiws about them, it scares me! I would love to not have to worry about my own hair on my wedding day but i am also very picky, so it could amount to a lot of unneeded stress! Has anyone had any luck with bringing in a picture?


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I'm not risking it with the resort spa/salon either. I've hired Styling Trio Riviera Maya to come to the resort for me and my girls. Found great reviews on them thru this site. I chose them because they offer the airbrushing make-up which is exactly what i want with it being so hot and humid down there.


Originally Posted by GenaP View Post

Thanks! Im gonna check out MVP! My hair style that I want is fairly simple, i just dont really want to risk trying to do it myself and messing it up. Plus the less to worry about the better!


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The only ones off the top of my head are Miami Vice (Mix of pina colada & Strawberry daquiri)

and of course Tequila poppers! Yummmm


Originally Posted by AD2012 View Post

Does anyone have a list of drinks that they recommend or are/were there favourites while at the resort?? I am putting together my welcome brochures and would love to include this information.
Thanks in advance!!


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