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Gran Bahia Principe Akumal/Tulum/Coba - POST HERE!

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Originally Posted by Sunshine2680 View Post


Hi Gals - just a couple questions


Does anyone have prices for hair and makeup with the salon (Tulum)?

I paid $85 to have my hair done at the salon but I did my own make up so someone else may be able to help with that or provide the new spa menu with pricing...


Also - whats the lo-down on DJ? I see there aren't any DJ services included in the wedding packages

Does the resort have their own that you hire for extra $?

Or do most bring one in from the outside?

So the poolside reception consists of two costs: the bar service and the DJ. The resort DJ was awesome! He provided lights and played our requests all night. If he didn't have a song we wanted he could play it directly from our ipod. The cost was $210/hour. Other brides have hired great outside DJ's in the past but I honestly didn't want the hassle of finding one, confirming it with the resort, possibly paying a day pass, etc.


Thanks! :)


Hope that helps!



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Sunshine2680 - I have the spa menu for Bahia Principe Tulum from June 2011.
Bride Hairstyle $85
Bridesmaid Hairstyle (Gala Hairstyling) $75
Wedding Makeup $55

DJ - There's a separate Word document I got from the wedding coordinator called "Weddings - Optional Extra Services & Conditions".  It lists the DJ price at $190 for each 45 minutes + tax



Relajante Caribeño (interior o exterior Spa) 25 min / $65 USD
Caribbean Relax Massage (outdoors or indoors) 50 min / $100 USD
Aromaterapéutico/Aromatherapeutic 50 min / $105 USD
Masaje Muscular Profundo/ 25 min / $75 USD
Deep Tissue 50 min / $110 USD
Masaje Holístico Maya/ 50 min / $110 USD
Mayan Massage 80 min / $150 USD
Masaje para Piernas Cansadas/Tired Legs Massage 30 min / $70 USD


Tratamientos especializados para su tipo de piel, con diagnóstico
personalizado. Se recomienda no lavarse la cara y no exponerse al sol
después de un tratamiento facial. (50 min / $100 USD)
It is an special treatment for your face. We make a personalized
diagnostic for you. We recommend not to wash your face or expose
to the sun after your facial service. (50 min / $100 USD)


Sueños de Chocolate Maya
Mayan Chocolate Dreams 80 min / $165 USD
Corporal con Barro Marino/Marine Mud Treatment 50 min / $105 USD
Masaje y Envoltura con Barro Maya
Mayan Mud Massage and Body Wrap 80 min / $165 USD
Exfoliación Corporal/Body Exfoliation 50 min / $105 USD
Piedras Calientes/Warm Basalt Stones Massage 80 min / $150 USD


Cejas/Eyebrows $15 USD
Pecho/Chest $35 USD
Labio Superior/Upper Lip $15 USD
Bikini/Bikini $25 USD
Bikini Brasileño/Brazilian Bikini $30 USD
Axilas/Under Arms $20 USD
Medio Brazo/Half Arm $25 USD
Brazo Completo/Whole Arm $30 USD
Espalda/Chest $45 USD
Media Pierna/Half Leg $30 USD
Pierna Completa/Whole Leg $50 USD


WATER THERAPY CIRCUITS (Reservation Required)
Sauna, Vapor y Ducha de Contraste/
Sauna, Steam and Cooling Shower (Spa Tulum) 30 min / $15 USD
Jacuzzi/Jacuzzi (Spa Tulum) 30 min / $15 USD
Sauna, Vapor y Jacuzzi (Spa Akumal)
Sauna, Steam and Jacuzzi (Spa Akumal) 30 min / $15 USD
Circuito de Agua/Water Circuit (Spa Cobá) 45 min / $25 USD

Antistress Rituals
Circuito Acuático/Water Circuit 45 min
Masaje Caribeño (exterior o interior Spa)
Caribbean Relax Massage (outdoors or indoors) 50 min
Total Programa/Total Ritual 95 min / $105 USD


Circuito Acuático/Water Circuit 45 min
Masaje Caribeño (exterior o interior Spa)
Caribbean Relax Massage (outdoors or indoors) 50 min
Envoltura Barro Marino o Chocolate Maya
Marine Mud or Mayan Chocolate Body Treatment 50 min
Tratamiento Facial/Facial Treatment 50 min
Total Programa/Total Ritual 195 min / $280 USD


Combina riquezas del mar para aliviar el estrés. Desintoxicante y anticelulítico.
Realizada en una tina programable para personalizar su terapia. (sólo en
Cobá).(30 min / $60 USD).
State of the art, programmable bath tub for a personalized therapy. Using the
power of the sea to heal stress and strengthen your health. Detoxifying and
anticellulitic. (This service is only available in Cobá). (30 min / $60 USD).


Manicura Clásica/Classic Manicure $35 USD
Manicura Spa/Spa Manicure $50 USD
Pedicura Clásica/Classic Pedicure $40 USD
Pedicura Spa/Spa Pedicure $60 USD
Manicura y Pedicura Spa/Spa Manicure and Pedicure:
Exfoliación, mascarilla, parafina, masaje y esmalte/
Exfoliation, mask, paraffin, massage and polish $95 USD
Cambio de Esmalte/Polish Change $15 USD
Uñas Acrílicas/Acrylic Nails (set) $70 USD
Retoque de Acrílico/Acrylic Refills $45 USD
Reposiciones de Acrílico por Uña/Acrylic Nail Replacement $10 USD
Quitar Set Uñas Acrílicas/Acrylic Nail Removal $40 USD


Corte Mujer/Womenâ€s Haircut $40 USD
Corte Caballero/Menâ€s Haircut $30 USD
Corte Caballero con Máquina/Menâ€s Haircut with Clippers $15 USD
Recorte de Barba/Beard Trim $15 USD
Retoque de Raíz/Root Touch-up $50 USD
Retoque de Mechas/Highlights Touch-up $65 USD
Desenredar Cabello o Quitar Trenzas
Detangle hair or take braids off $25 USD
Tratamiento Capilar para Cabello Dañado
Damaged Hair Treatment $20 USD
Shampoo y Secado/Shampoo and Blow Dry desde/from $40 USD
Mechas/Highlights desde/from $65 USD
Tinte/Haircolour desde/from $60 USD
Corte y Peinado/Haircut and Styling desde/from $50 USD
Peinado de Novia/Bride Hairstyling $85 USD
Peinado Gala/Gala Hairstyling $75 USD
Maquillaje de Boda/Wedding Make-up $55 USD

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Thank you soooooo much!!!

Originally Posted by cdlillad View Post

Sunshine2680 - I have the spa menu for Bahia Principe Tulum from June 2011.
Bride Hairstyle $85
Bridesmaid Hairstyle (Gala Hairstyling) $75
Wedding Makeup $55

DJ - There's a separate Word document I got from the wedding coordinator called "Weddings - Optional Extra Services & Conditions".  It lists the DJ price at $190 for each 45 minutes + tax



Relajante Caribeño (interior o exterior Spa) 25 min / $65 USD
Caribbean Relax Massage (outdoors or indoors) 50 min / $100 USD
Aromaterapéutico/Aromatherapeutic 50 min / $105 USD
Masaje Muscular Profundo/ 25 min / $75 USD
Deep Tissue 50 min / $110 USD
Masaje Holístico Maya/ 50 min / $110 USD
Mayan Massage 80 min / $150 USD
Masaje para Piernas Cansadas/Tired Legs Massage 30 min / $70 USD


Tratamientos especializados para su tipo de piel, con diagnóstico
personalizado. Se recomienda no lavarse la cara y no exponerse al sol
después de un tratamiento facial. (50 min / $100 USD)
It is an special treatment for your face. We make a personalized
diagnostic for you. We recommend not to wash your face or expose
to the sun after your facial service. (50 min / $100 USD)


Sueños de Chocolate Maya
Mayan Chocolate Dreams 80 min / $165 USD
Corporal con Barro Marino/Marine Mud Treatment 50 min / $105 USD
Masaje y Envoltura con Barro Maya
Mayan Mud Massage and Body Wrap 80 min / $165 USD
Exfoliación Corporal/Body Exfoliation 50 min / $105 USD
Piedras Calientes/Warm Basalt Stones Massage 80 min / $150 USD


Cejas/Eyebrows $15 USD
Pecho/Chest $35 USD
Labio Superior/Upper Lip $15 USD
Bikini/Bikini $25 USD
Bikini Brasileño/Brazilian Bikini $30 USD
Axilas/Under Arms $20 USD
Medio Brazo/Half Arm $25 USD
Brazo Completo/Whole Arm $30 USD
Espalda/Chest $45 USD
Media Pierna/Half Leg $30 USD
Pierna Completa/Whole Leg $50 USD


WATER THERAPY CIRCUITS (Reservation Required)
Sauna, Vapor y Ducha de Contraste/
Sauna, Steam and Cooling Shower (Spa Tulum) 30 min / $15 USD
Jacuzzi/Jacuzzi (Spa Tulum) 30 min / $15 USD
Sauna, Vapor y Jacuzzi (Spa Akumal)
Sauna, Steam and Jacuzzi (Spa Akumal) 30 min / $15 USD
Circuito de Agua/Water Circuit (Spa Cobá) 45 min / $25 USD

Antistress Rituals
Circuito Acuático/Water Circuit 45 min
Masaje Caribeño (exterior o interior Spa)
Caribbean Relax Massage (outdoors or indoors) 50 min
Total Programa/Total Ritual 95 min / $105 USD


Circuito Acuático/Water Circuit 45 min
Masaje Caribeño (exterior o interior Spa)
Caribbean Relax Massage (outdoors or indoors) 50 min
Envoltura Barro Marino o Chocolate Maya
Marine Mud or Mayan Chocolate Body Treatment 50 min
Tratamiento Facial/Facial Treatment 50 min
Total Programa/Total Ritual 195 min / $280 USD


Combina riquezas del mar para aliviar el estrés. Desintoxicante y anticelulítico.
Realizada en una tina programable para personalizar su terapia. (sólo en
Cobá).(30 min / $60 USD).
State of the art, programmable bath tub for a personalized therapy. Using the
power of the sea to heal stress and strengthen your health. Detoxifying and
anticellulitic. (This service is only available in Cobá). (30 min / $60 USD).


Manicura Clásica/Classic Manicure $35 USD
Manicura Spa/Spa Manicure $50 USD
Pedicura Clásica/Classic Pedicure $40 USD
Pedicura Spa/Spa Pedicure $60 USD
Manicura y Pedicura Spa/Spa Manicure and Pedicure:
Exfoliación, mascarilla, parafina, masaje y esmalte/
Exfoliation, mask, paraffin, massage and polish $95 USD
Cambio de Esmalte/Polish Change $15 USD
Uñas Acrílicas/Acrylic Nails (set) $70 USD
Retoque de Acrílico/Acrylic Refills $45 USD
Reposiciones de Acrílico por Uña/Acrylic Nail Replacement $10 USD
Quitar Set Uñas Acrílicas/Acrylic Nail Removal $40 USD


Corte Mujer/Womenâ€s Haircut $40 USD
Corte Caballero/Menâ€s Haircut $30 USD
Corte Caballero con Máquina/Menâ€s Haircut with Clippers $15 USD
Recorte de Barba/Beard Trim $15 USD
Retoque de Raíz/Root Touch-up $50 USD
Retoque de Mechas/Highlights Touch-up $65 USD
Desenredar Cabello o Quitar Trenzas
Detangle hair or take braids off $25 USD
Tratamiento Capilar para Cabello Dañado
Damaged Hair Treatment $20 USD
Shampoo y Secado/Shampoo and Blow Dry desde/from $40 USD
Mechas/Highlights desde/from $65 USD
Tinte/Haircolour desde/from $60 USD
Corte y Peinado/Haircut and Styling desde/from $50 USD
Peinado de Novia/Bride Hairstyling $85 USD
Peinado Gala/Gala Hairstyling $75 USD
Maquillaje de Boda/Wedding Make-up $55 USD


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Yay finally booked, March 1 2012 at tulum.  I really want to do the ceremony at the gazebo, it is so gorgeous! 

I have a few questions though.  Has anyone paid extra for arrecife to come the dinner and reception?  Also I am thinking about choosing gran tortuga (Brazilian).  For those of you who have gone to gran tortuga how was it?  The menu says something about cards so you say green for more meat and red for no??  Also the menu didn't mention anything about side dishes, is it just meat and a salad buffet? 


I am so glad that Jazmin has been replying to my emails so quickly.  My invitations won't be here for another two weeks so I am getting really nervous, luckily emailing Jazmin gives me other wedding things to think about. 


Thanks for any help! 

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Gazebo will be awesome!!

My wedding is Nov 2012 - but i won't be using Arrecife - I'm bringing my own from home. Just getting much more value for my money that way. But personally if I was using them - i woudl definitely pay for the dinner/reception. You will probably want some nice pics of your first dance and cake cutting!

I've eated at Gran tortuga on previous holiday and i thought it was great. Food was really good and there's plenty to choose from. I believe they had some side dishes up at the salad bar too (rice etc) - so don't worry your guests should be plenty full.
The green/red card is just to tell the server if you're wanting them to come around with more meat on the swords or if your done.

i agree 100% about Jazmin! My wedding is 400+ days away and she's still taking the time to reply to my questions. I honestly didn't expect much from her till next year. Soooo nice to have a WC who is on top of things!

Originally Posted by andrea2006 View Post

Yay finally booked, March 1 2012 at tulum.  I really want to do the ceremony at the gazebo, it is so gorgeous! 

I have a few questions though.  Has anyone paid extra for arrecife to come the dinner and reception?  Also I am thinking about choosing gran tortuga (Brazilian).  For those of you who have gone to gran tortuga how was it?  The menu says something about cards so you say green for more meat and red for no??  Also the menu didn't mention anything about side dishes, is it just meat and a salad buffet? 


I am so glad that Jazmin has been replying to my emails so quickly.  My invitations won't be here for another two weeks so I am getting really nervous, luckily emailing Jazmin gives me other wedding things to think about. 


Thanks for any help! 


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Andrea2006 - If you haven't already looked, there is a link to my pictures on my signature.  We were married at the Tulum Gazebo and had dinner at the Gran Tortuga.  I didn't have Arrecife take pictures at my dinner or dance, but I'm sure they would have done a good job.  You can see that the quality of my pictures at the dinner and dance were not too good, I had my friend from home as my photographer for those parts and they kinda turned out dark.


I was too nervous on my wedding day to eat, but there was definitely plenty of food at Gran Tortuga.  And we had our own section to the side, so it seemed private.  There were other people on the other side of the restaurant, but I didn't even notice them.  We even had speeches at the restaurant and everything.

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Did anyone have Eugenia as their wedding coordinator?? I have sent two emails and waited at least a week between each and still have not received a reply for her... I included Paloma on the 2nd one and she got back to me right away saying that Eugenia was very busy with multiple weddings, but also asking her to reply as soon as possible. I know that they have a lot going on and am not expecting super fast replies, but it is making me a little nervous.


But anyway, I was asking if they could send me all the restaurant options we have for the dinner and the pool side reception options/costs. Maybe one of you could help me with that and email this information to me if you have it. (We are staying at the Akumal and getting married at the Hammock location on March 31, 2012). My email is [email protected] and any information you could share would be fantastic!



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