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I feel like such a douche!

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I have no idea what the "faded whitish marking" is on the ground of that parking space --- and I don't know about anyone else, but it's the FIRST thing I notice upon seeing a handicapped space is the BIG BRIGHT HANDICAPPED SYMBOL on the ground of parking space before i pull in --- THEN is when i look to the very front of the space to see the actual metal sign at the front of the parking space, indicating a handicapped parking space.


I'd definitely contest this in court...who the heck looks 4 feet past the front of parking space to check for "handicapped parking signs" on the side of a buildinghuh.gif plus, I drive an SUV -- who's to say that far away sign on the building is even in your line of vision, depending on what you're driving and how tall/short you are? AND, even though the sign looks kind of clear in the pic, honestly, looking at that picture i'd be looking around to see WHAT that sign referred to, not even thinking it was for that parking space --- it's just too far away from that space to truly indicate IT as a handicapped space.


Good luck!!

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So...I was found...



I went to court and waited to hear my name called by the judge. When it wasnâ€t, the judge snobbishly told me I was there on the wrong day and to go to the cashier window for more help. I went to the window and the cashier inspects the ticket, looks it up, and doesnâ€t find it in the system!? Did the a-hole cop actually attempt to cut me a break or was he being bad at his job again? We will never know.


I was about to get screwed again because the cashier photocopies the ticket and tells me to come back June 8th for another court date so she can reach the cop. I tell the cashier “NO WAY am I taking off another day of work for his irresponsibility. Iâ€m here - tell the judge to hear me out!â€


She takes my picture and the ticket copy and tells me to go back into the courtroom and the judge may/may not hear my case. The entire 5pm list gets called and they are about to begin the 6pm list. The judgeâ€s assistant tells her that they have one last case to hear before the 6pm group starts.


The judge calls me to the front and asks me “What is this? Why am I looking at this picture?†I tell her that I went to the window like she told me to, they took my information, and asked me to go back to the court room. After further explaining the situation and how the cop didnâ€t even submit the ticket, she reluctantly inspects the picture and makes a few comments about how it doesnt look like a handicaped space at all and how some property owners paint false symbols/signs to keep a close space for themselves (SICK!)


Towards the end of her rant, she finally asks “Mrs. Rivera, do you honestly expect me to believe that the faded white symbol on the ground looks like debris?†I nervously reply "Yes!" She says “Youâ€re absolutely right…the ticket is dismissed and youâ€re free to goâ€. AWESOME!


Victory is mine! bunny_4.gif

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