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11 days of teenage hell!!!


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So my FI brother went to Mexico in Jan for a week with his GF and asked if I could stay there and watch his 3 girls (aged 9, 10 & 14). I did, and when they got back she said 'Thank You', he did not. Then I felt like I was being sooed from his place, even though I was trying to pack up our stuff and take care of both my kids. I had to pack up everything for 4 of us, and no one helped me haul it out to the van. Then I get the comment that I don't have to take it all right then. Finally I decided that I was tired of the 'unwanted' feeling and I left my sons excersaucer, bouncy chair and a bag of clothes there. The next couple of days I didn't feel like going back down there, but then they started phoning to see when we were coming to get our stuff, as they were trying to clean up the Christmas stuff and it was in their way.


After that, I decided that I wasn't going to watch the kids for him anymore while he goes off on holidays. So then they end up getting a free trip to Arizona for a week and decide they are going to stay for a feww extra days to do their own thing, so it is now an 11 day trip. I heard through the grapevine that the girls mother was asking who was watching the kids, and she was told that my FI and I were. Then on Sat evening, he called to ask my FI when we were going to be down there, which we still had not been asked to watch them, so it was assummed that we would. So then it was time to pack up stuff for the 4 of us again and head out there.


Now the 14 year old has got a real attitude problem, and has always gotten everything her little heart desires, and has rarely heard the word 'no'. My FBIL also has a difficult time seeing this, and figures everyone picks on her and that my FI and her just butt heads. The problem started early on as my FI asked her to clean up her mess, and she refused, watched TV and when he shut off the TV, she had a tempertanrum that you have to see to understand. She was told that she was to stay at home while her dad was gone, and that he didn't want her going to her grandma's (my fmil). As soon as my FI wasn't paying attention, she got on the phone and called her grandma.


To make a long story short, she only stayed at the house for the first 2 nights they were gone, didn't call, didn't ask permission, except when she called her dad in Arizona to ask him, and then he text messaged my FI to let him know. She screamed and yelled at my on the phone, then cried to my FI that I was mean and called her to yell at her. Then we never heard from her for 2 days, even though she was supposed to be home. Once my FBIL got home, she was mad because he wouldn't drive into town to get her first before just going home. Then when my FI had to run into town, he picked her up, which she was not happy.


There are planning another trip to Chicago on the 25th for her job, and I told her tonight that I wouldn't be watching the then, as I have better things to do than deal with that crap.


Just remember that this is a very short version of what happened, but anyone that has or knows any lippy teenagers, you could probably see a lot more of the picture.

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Wow, what a headache and some darn ungrateful people. The 14 year old sounds like she needs a swift kick in the pants...taking off for days at a time and having that lousy attitude when she is around? smile43.gif


Good job drawing the line, no more of that nonsense for you! Unbelievable!

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I hope you stick to your guns and continue to say no. It's one thing to watch bratty children, but completely another to watch bratty children of ungrateful parents. No wonder the kids act the way they do. The parents are not teaching them to be polite and respectful since the parents obviously need that lesson themselves.

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that's horrible. I have a 13 year old girl myself and she has a bit of an attitude also - but not as bad as what you've experience. I won't put up with that - I always warn her that she'll see my back hand before she can even complete her sentence =) And my FI tells the kids that he's not afraid of using the belt either.


so far - the fear of getting their ass whoop works =)

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Depending on the kid.. a 14 year old should be responsible enough to watch her siblings.. with the help of a neighbor or someone close by if there are any problems.. what a brat. I would have refused before they left for AZ based on them just assuming you'd come watch them.. I HATE when people assume things! good for you

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