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Ready to start planning for Playa del Carmen!!

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Originally Posted by aeroo View Post
Guests at the Gran Porto can use the facilities and restaurants at the Royal if they buy a day pass at $20 per person per day. I believe Royal guests are allowed to use facilities and restaurants at the Gran Porto for no charge, although I am not sure 100% on that one. But since they are sister hotels they have some sort of exchange for sure.
Is this true?
$20 for guests at the Gran to be able to also play at the Royal each day isn't all that bad. I was thinking about having my wedding and staying at the Royal but felt bad about the idea of having guests with kids or a tighter budget sort of sequestered over at the Gran... I mean a big part of the reason I want a destination wedding is to have a big family vacation! So, I kind of moved on from my Royal dream, but if this $20 a day thing was correct I may need to start considering it again...
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Originally Posted by Shay2679 View Post
I checked with my travel agent on this as well just yesterday, and she advised that guests staying at the Gran Porto can use the facilities at the Royal on the day of the wedding, but other than that, they were limited to "their" hotel for the rest of the stay. She was not aware of a per person, per day fee to use the hotel facilities other than that. She said that the persons staying at the Royal, had full access to the Italian restaurant (Il Pescatore) at the Gran Porto and their beach because these guests are paying more
I asked my agent again today, and she reiterated that as far as she knew, the Gran Porto guests were limited to their resort, EXCEPT for the day of the wedding. Other than that, she said that she doubted the $20 per person fee, because why wouldn't everyone just stay at the Gran Porto for cheaper, and pay the $20 to get an upgraded beach, pool, food, drink...etc. etc.

Again, I haven't received confirmation from the hotel directly...but I gotta say, my agent makes a good point...

Anyways...if anyone hears differently, please let us know!
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Originally Posted by Shay2679 View Post
I asked my agent again today, and she reiterated that as far as she knew, the Gran Porto guests were limited to their resort, EXCEPT for the day of the wedding. Other than that, she said that she doubted the $20 per person fee, because why wouldn't everyone just stay at the Gran Porto for cheaper, and pay the $20 to get an upgraded beach, pool, food, drink...etc. etc.

Again, I haven't received confirmation from the hotel directly...but I gotta say, my agent makes a good point...

Anyways...if anyone hears differently, please let us know!
There are 3 sister hotels in Playa, the Real (4 star), Gran Porto Real (5 star), and the Royal (5 star luxury). I talked to the reception staff at the Real and they confirmed that guests of their hotel can buy a $20 day pass per person to use the facilities and restaurants of the Gran Porto Real. Some of our guests were going to do this since it was cheaper to stay at the Real. The reception there also told me that guests of the Gran Porto can do the same for the Royal. I have also read on Tripadvisor of people from Gran Porto buying a $20 day pass for the Royal. This is something I have not confirmed at the Gran Porto myself, which is why I am not 100% sure. If you want to confirm, you just need to call the reception of the Gran Porto. It is also definately something they do not advertise since yes, it is cheaper to do it this way if you would like to use the facilities at the Royal.
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