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OMG Freaking Out!!!!!


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I hope everything works out! Poor thing! Please keep us updated, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. The best thing you can do is support your cousin by doing whatever she may ask. Maybe have your mom pick up some magazine/crosswords, etc?

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Thank you guys so much! I wasn't home so I missed the calls, but both my Mom & my cousin Shannon called me to say everything went well. I don't have many details because my Moms gone to bed now & Shannon & her husband are staying in a hotel to be near the hospital tonight so I'm going to get more info tomorrow. I feel soooo relieved though knowing that they both called me! Phew.


The booties & teddy bear should be sent out to me tomorrow.. so I can bring him his little gifts when I go see them! :) I think I'm going to give them space until they're feeling back to normal. I'll just make sure she knows (which I'm sure she does) that she can call me anytime she needs to talk! Afterall, I am unemployed! lol

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WHOOHOO!!!! I just got off the phone & Mac's on his way home!!!!!!!!



He's eating well & seems very happy - kicking his legs & yapping up a storm!

I am so relieved that everything went so smoothly!!!! Thanks for everyone's kind words & concern! :)

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Yea! I'm glad he's ok. I know how nerve racking it is to have to be far away and feel like you're just sitting by the phone waiting for an update. My BFF in Texas had a preemie with lots of problems and she was in and out of the hospital for her first 2 weeks. I was so nervous for all of them!


Was he named after Ashley MacIsaac the singer?

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