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I think it depends on your level of comfort. Your wedding ispersonal and you should do whatever is comfortable for you. If you felt most comfortable calling everyone to personally invite them, that's your choice (Dean suggested that we do this, but I was not calling 50 people to say the same thing over...and over...and over :P)


If you think everyone is email savvy go for it!!!

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We sent ours via email becuase we wanted to get the word out and I knew it would take forever to get everyone's address (I was so right too, that's a whole other story). It was great as far as letting everyone know, but not so good as some people didn't check their emails or it got junked. I just sent my invitations out early to make sure everyone had something tangible to look at. So while not tacky, it has both its positives and negatives.

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It certainly is the greener method. I think your guests that want to go will go no matter how they hear about the wedding. I did send out STDs but a bunch of the communication was by word of mouth. I think the STDs were probably pretty much useless.


e-vite is good because it sends reminders to people that haven't rsvp'd. That way they can't just delete it accidentally. They would have to delete several emails.

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evite is also nice because you can see who viewed it, not just who rsvped.


if you are avoiding STDs for the cost, you can do vista print postcards. it's about $7 for 100 & stamps are 26cents (they may have gone up 1 cent today with the new increase).


This is what I did for my STDs & my guests loved them. I see them all over on people's desks, fridges, etc.

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