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Losing sleep over hubbie's potential reaction =(

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I know it's silly and you're all going to say that he's going to be blown away by anything i wear but does anyone else worry about his reaction at the first site of you in the dress?


I didn't buy such an elaborate gown since it's a destination wedding and even sometimes i feel blah by my own gown...didn't really get the "special" feeling by anything i tried on so i just went with the most flattering fit on me...


And now we signed up to do some pro pics next month where i'll be borrowing a gown. The gown i borrow will no doubt be fancier than what i bought...what if he's wow-ed by that one and then just "eh" by the one i wear on the actual wedding day?? and thanks to the movie "27 dresses," everyone's going to be turning around to see the groom's reaction lol


We may just have to start practicing his reaction hehe...is this sillyhuh.gif

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Please don't worry about this. I had second thoughts about my gown being too plain and not good enough too. But the thing is, your gown will only be a mere fraction of your beauty and sparkle on your wedding day. It will be the sparkle in your eye, the glow of happiness you'll have, and the smile that will be on your face all day that will captivate your FH on your day. Second guessing your dress decision is only natural but I really wouldn't lose sleep over it. I still look at my wedding pics kinda wishing I picked another gown but my husband assures that he though I was beautiful. So I'll believe him. lol

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I totally agree here!!! He is going ot be so excited and he is going to know that you love the dress and that determine how he reacts. I would bet serious money that he is going to be so in awe of you on that day that you could wear a paper bag and he would think the same thing: you are th most beautiful woman he's ever seen...get your beauty sleep girl!!!

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oh sweetie, I changed my mind about my gown several times and honestly my hubby didn't care what I was wearing, once I started walking down the aisle and saw his face we couldn't stop staring at each other but neither of us cared about what the other was wearing, I honestly have never been so in love as the moments when we promised to love each other forever. Your FI loves you and knows what you look like in many different outfits he doesn't care about how fancy a dress is, as long as it gets you down the aisle to say i do

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when you think about it, the gown is actually minimal because on your wedding day, its all about the entire look but together. Your hair, make-up, accessories, the veil, and most importantly, the big smile you will have on your face and your "its my day" glow.


that's why pictures of real brides in their dresses on their wedding day look better than on the model. because it more than just the dress!

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I had posted a thread with similar fears....just dont worry about it. Honestly, you cant and he is going to think your beautiful because its you...the dress is really a minor part for the groom. Us brides put such a huge emphasis on it cause we only get one chance to wear it, he will be looking at your face not your dress most likely. P.S. getting advice on here from numerous brides made me realize I was worrying for nothing, im greatful they did...it made me feel so much better!

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My husband still talks about how beautiful my dress was, and I really didn't like it at all, and didn't care for how it looked in the pictures. Trust me, your FI won't be looking at the dress as much as he will be focusing on YOU, and to him you will be the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.

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I agree with all the pp 100%. He'll be looking at you...not your dress.


I also think that classic, less embellished gowns are a better choice. In 10 to 15 years when you are looking at your wedding photos your dress will look more timeless instead of outdated. Just think about all those Neo-Victorian bead and lace nightmare dresses from the 80's we all see now and laugh at.


Think of your dress as a blank canvas and add via jewelry and accessories. Thatâ€s what my plan is. bunny_4.gif

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All of the PPs are right. It really isn't that big of a deal. He will love you and be wowed in whatever you are wearing. If he is so caught up in your dress he walks away from the alter, I think you have an actual problem. LOL


I only kid because I have the same fears. My FI doesn't like sparkly things but I do. While my dress is a simple classic style, it does have some blingy beadwork! However I feel beautiful in my dress. I didn't get the WOW feeling until I picked it up this morning and put it on with all of my accessories. I think me feeling good will translate into how I smile and carry myself.


WHen you have doubts, remember it is about the commitment you are making to one another not what either of you are wearing. Knowing my FI, 2 weeks after the wedding if I asked him to describe the dress if I get white and strapless, I'll be good! LOL

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