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Good place to get married in St. Croix?


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Hi Everyone!


I'm hoping someone can help me. I have been working with the Carambola Beach Resort now for almost 3 months, and just as we were about to sign the contract, they almost doubled the room rates and increased the per person price from $35 to $60 from what they had stated on the proposal. Despite trying to discuss this with Christine, the new catering manager there full of attitude, she said she's "sorry" that she misquoted us on the proposal, but that's just the way it is. Although we liked the quoted prices better, it's the idea that management doesn't honor their agreements, and are difficult to work with, that we feel the need to go somewhere else.


So, after all that work, my fiance Adam and I are now looking for another place to get married/have a reception on St. Croix because most of his side of the family has already purchased their plane tickets.



We have a little over 7 months left to plan a wedding for 35 people. Any suggestions on a nice place, with nice people to work with, would be a great help to us. We feel a little lost at this point. sad.gif


Thank you so much!!

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I have been to St. Coix twice but only with my college for swim training trips..we stayed at great places - i bet if i did reserach i could find them again - it seems like so long ago - i can't remember their names. I do know we stayed closer to Christenstad but went to Fredricstead for dinner and a "night out". That is where ALL the action is (the cruise ships land there. I did go to Buck Island - its a must!!!! So fun!

If i can find out more info i will post for you! Good luck! Its so beautiful there!

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We've been to St. Croix twice, but both times stayed at the Sugar Beach condos close to Christiansted. The last time we were there, the cruise ships no longer went to Fredericksted because of some crime issues they were having. I've heard the Buccaneer Hotel is a very nice, upscale resort. Good luck with the plans!

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  • 1 year later...

Although I live in St. Thomas, I've been to St. Croix several times. I hate to hear that about Carambola b/c I love that resort and the rooms (which should all be remodeled now but ask) are really nice. The restaurant area is also very nice. The last time I stayed I actually got a chance to glimpse at a wedding taking place there. It was nice. If I had to choose a place on St. Croix I would choose Carambola. You said the wedding is in 7 months right? That's June which is the non-tourist season in the islands so you should be able to work a deal Carambola as it is the slow, non-tourist season. I would be honest and tell them that you are disappointed but you understand the rates change. Nevertheless, don't forget that you are guarnteeing the resort X number of rooms in the SLOW season and X number of meals.


Otherwise I would look at Divi Carina Bay or the Buccaneer. You may also want to search for a private villa and just have it catered.


Hope this helps!

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One of my BF's got married at Carambola last spring and it was awesome. What's nice about that place is that it's likely that you will be the ONLY wedding there that weekend. Carambola is small so you get the feel of a boutique hotel.

Just text my friend and she said the only other one is the Buccaneer, and that it's actually more expensive than Carambola, but very pretty.

I hope you figure it all out!

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