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Moving SUCKS!!!

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I am sooo missing Philly right now.


The FI and I just moved to my hometown of Miami in March and boy does it suck. He is living with his dad and I am living with my mom so that we can save some money and get on our feet. We both found jobs pretty quickly, but he works weekends now and I work weekdays 9-5. My job only has 2 other co-workers and they are both married so they don't hang out much. So, basically all i do is go to work and go home. This is coming from a life in Philly where I say my friends everyday (especially my BFF), knew most of the city, had neighborhood hangouts and could pretty much walk into any room and know at least one person (being a promoter and DJ was pretty good for popularity).

Now, everyone says reach out to old friends, but to tell you the truth... I don't really have any. I was a huge nerd in High school, so when I got out I had very little motivation to K.I.T. with the bullies who taunted me to no end. I went out and made friends some place else. Now I am back, lonely and MISERABLE!! I have gained like 15 pounds in the 2 months because all I do is watch TV, plan the wedding and sleep. I talk to my girls in Philly every night, but they really can't come and visit me down here if they want to go to the wedding, so I just miss them....


Where the hell do people make friends in this God forsaken city!!!

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Cousins.. not really.


I am a media buyer. Not really a field where there is much partying going on. Networking... Yeah, if I was in NYC. I am just soooooooo bored.

This is a city that I loved to vist and hated living in. Why on earth did I agree to this?

It isn't much different than me living in Philly and FI living in Toronto. We don't see each other much more anyways. The only difference is that I am miserable and lonely.


Put it this way, When I left 10 years ago, I had NO INTENTION of ever looking back. Keeping up with people down here was NOT a priority. They represented old, sad no friends me. Philly represented new and COOL me. now I am back to just being littl old sad, no friends me.

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So sorry to read you are going through this tough time! Can you join any interest groups? Like do you like to paint or scrapbook or something? I bet in the long run it will be all worth the move so you can save the money. Everything happens for a reason! I have been trying to live by that saying so I will say it to you too!

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