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Mexican goodies for OOT

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What mexican goodies would you put in the OOT bags?

I'm thinking of mini tequila bottle, mini hot sauce, maybe some home made pastries from one of the local places, but what else?


Any ideas? I'm open for suggestions.



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We had Mexican candy (glorias, pulparindo and obleas), gum, totis (like chips), peanuts (cacahuate japones).

I have a picture somewhere in the OOT bags section, my search is running slow right now so I can't post it.

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Thanks for the replies.


Actually I'm doing my OOT bag down there. My brother lives in cancun, he and his girlfriend will assemble the OOT bags for me, but i'm trying to think what to tell them to buy. I didn't know they had a walmart there, I'll definitely tell him to check it out. He's never even heard of the whole OOT bag idea, even though he offered to do it for me, he's kinda clueless lol


Paula how can i search for your bags?

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One of my BMs bought the goodies for me in Mexico City buy I told her what to buy, so I don't know what Wal-Mart has there.


Go to Search, Advanced Search, PaulaV on the right box and select dropdown for posts started by me, then select the sub-forum for registries, something and OOT bags. Hope that helps.

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