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BDW Biggest Loser Season 2 Official CHAT thread...

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Thanks ladies! Congrats to all of you as well. Weight loss is something that majority of my family struggles with a lot. My weight has always fluctuated since college and has been very hard to lose consistenly. Losing weight is much easier to say than to do!


While all of my weight loss might not have been the healthiest, and I'm not an expert by far,I will share the 3 biggest things that I think actually worked for me. This last month the weight flew off, mostly due to severe stress with all the stuff that has been going on. So my only fear is that I will gain too much back b4 my wedding. :~( I am actually bottom heavy, so with my dress being 'A-line', I'm hoping I should be okay, b/c thats where all of my weight is (if that makes any sense).


Anyhow, here goes:


The 1st 2 weeks or so, I saw very little progress, so I was a little discouraged at first. Since I hate quitting anything, I decided to stick with it. So I know at least a little over 1/2 the weight was from me changing some of my habits.


1. NO SODAS!!! - I was the biggest soda and juice drinker. I would only drink water occassionaly. I totally changed that. I started with bottled waters and since I had to have a little flavor, I bought some Crystal Light and Hawaiian water flavor (which are only 5 calories each). I LOVE water now,lol.


2. GOT MY BIG BUTT MOVING - smile123.gif Excercise huh.gif That was a foreign word. I dont like doing the same thing over and over every single day. So I started to find fun ways of exercising. I started walking different routes twice a day. Playing with the dogs more often. Jump roping! pinkie.gif Found some great aerobic workouts on 'On Demand'. Playing kick ball. Started kickboxing and going to taekwondo classses with my FI. Boy, did I sweat more than I have ever before. Sit up and push up contests with my FI,lol. Silly I know, but funny. I even started parking further out when I went to the store, just to walk those few extra steps. Jumping jacks, even bought a hoola hoop. All of these little things added up. Everyday I did something different. And when I started seeing the weight come off, I couldnt stop! It actually started to become fun, especially with my FI doing some of the exercise with me.


3. AND OF COURSE - Changing my eating habits. Sweets, sweets, and more sweets was one of my biggest nemisis. If not that, I would always have to have a snack,lol. So I changed what I was snacking on. Instead of chips or a little debbie, I chose fruit and yogurt, graham crackers, stuff like that. I started with the 'Special K diet'. I actually LOVE cereal, but it did get boring. And instead of eating out, I started cooking more. Which was a BIG change, b/c my FI does most of the cooking. I defitenly laid off the bread and pasta (another weakness of mine) Lol, I'm realizing I have a lot of weaknesses. This last week, I actually did a fast. Not specifically for weight loss, but I wanted to find more of my inner strength and get closer to God, especially with a few of my situations I have encountered this past month. I think this was the hardest of all, but it definetly helped me with my 'walk of life'.


Overall, I am glad I finally was able to see some real results. Now I just need to keep it off!!! BDW was a great support system. Having support most certainly helps, whether its a friend or your FI. Everyone could use that extra push. fryingpan.gif


Congrats again, we are all BDW Biggest Winners for even attempting to become a healthier individual. hug2.gif

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Originally Posted by LC_Rachel View Post
Honestly Danielle- I would have joined the last two seasons but I hate the idea of weighing in and sending the picture. I'm just SO ashamed of my weight right now that I'm not comfortable with anyone seeing it- even my doctor or myself. sad.gif

I had a VERY long appointment with my doctor last week based upon some lab work. He's given me some meds, plus a strict diet and exercise regime. I'm hoping to at least kick start my losses and then when I feel comfortable with the #s to hopefully join one of the upcoming BL contests.
Rachel, I know exactly how you feel, I really don't like sharing my weight with anyone, my DH doesn't even know what I weigh, I'm so embarassed by it sad.gif

Christina congratulations!! 24 pounds is amazing!

I'm sorry I haven't really been around the past couple of weeks, I've been really busy and was away on vacation this past week (and ate WAY too much!) I haven't decided yet if I'm going to join season 3, I am going to continue my weight loss efforts, but I don't feel like its fair for me to join if I can't commit myself to helping support all of you as well, so I will have to really think about this.
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Originally Posted by Maura View Post
alright ive spoken to ann and she thinks she will be able to take over for the next season. we'll finish out this season with sending your stuff to me and then ann will initiate the next round of BL.

ladies, please dont forget to send me your stuff this week!
Hopefully I can come back as the host for Season III - I may not be around as much, but I will do my best to motivate and participate. I may even take some of your hints, tips, and tricks to lose this baby weight!

Look for the Season III sign-up thread ... either Maura or I will be posting it soon!

Originally Posted by Maura View Post
ok i am going to be busy later today so i am just going to go ahead and post what i have.

Congratulations to our winner, Christina (twinkletoes)!!!! She had a total loss of 24.4 pounds!!!! Christina will be the recipient of the $435 jackpot and a sweet BDW BL tshirt. Christina, PM me your address and I will make sure the tshirt gets sent to you.

Not sure if Glenda (Season I winner) ever posted anything about it, but I had some "BDW Biggest Loser Winner" t-shirts made up, so you will get this along with the jackpot. It's silly - but I thought it was fun anyway!
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