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BDW Biggest Loser Season 2 Official CHAT thread...

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I just read all the posts from yesterday. Yesterday was a really busy day at work so I wasn't on any boards at all. I went home last nite and went to the gym and FI made a really healthy dinner. My downfall is clearly eating (as opposed to working out which I actually enjoy most of the time). I feel really good for eating great yesterday and today (so far).


BTW, the only digital camera I have is one of those big SLR cameras, so it weighs 2 lbs!! I figured as long as I use the same camera, it won't matter.


Also, thanks to everyone that posted tips. I always eat breakfast in the morning, so my tip is to make sure you eat something to get your metabolism going. One of my favorites is the Dannon Light n Fit Vanilla Nonfat Yogurt, mixed with some Kashi Go Lean cereal and fruit (strawberries or bananas or blueberries). It's SO good.

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Originally Posted by AnnR View Post
I'm still missing a few weigh-ins!

Just a reminder - please be sure to include your BDW screen name w/your weight, and maybe type out the weight in teh email/PM if it's at all unclear or hard to read.

thanks ladies!
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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Oh yeah here's some other random stuff.

1. Do NOT weigh yourself everyday. I know it is tempting but in actuality it will only make you more likely to give up. Our weight constantly fluctuates throughout the day (which is why you should weigh yourself first thing when you wake up wednesday morning and not at night after you've eaten all day). We always weigh less in the morning than at night. If you weigh yourself everyday, then you are more likely to get discouraged if you worked so hard one day and you don't see a huge drop. Give it time. I promise it is more rewarding to wait for Wednesday to weigh yourself. And this way no matter what is going on with your weight, you will keep pushing yourself all week long and build up healthy habits, whereas you are more likely to get depressed and go eat Haggen Dazs if you don't see a huge loss from day to day.

2. Don't stress if you don't lose weight or you even gain weight the week of and before AF. It is normal to retain water and bloat around this time, so just keep that in mind so you don't get discouraged.
Thanks for the tip, you are so right about weighing in the morning!! Ive been stressing out these past couple days...on tuesday morning I weighed 3 lbs lighter than I did tuesday night. monday morning i weighed 2lbs less than what I weighed tuesday morning!!
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A few motivational sayings coined by my WW leader (thank you, Michelle if you ever read this!)

"Think before you eat, not before you exercise."

(I totally remembered this one last night when I was talking myself out of going to yoga class).

"Remember what you want most, not what you want most at the moment." (one of my favs...)


"You have it in you to get the weight off you."

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