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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Oh sorry I have a digital scale that tells you to the exact decimal point. What I do is place the camera on the floor next to the scale. I then get on the scale to see my weight. Then I squat down instead of bending and pick the camera up and it stays the same weight.

I guess if you don't have a digital scale it will move the numbers up and down. But technically if you are 125 let's say it should move when you bend down to pick the camera up, but should go back to 125 when you have straightened out no?
LOL, I have an old school scale. I should get a digital one. AND I wish I weighed 125!

My freaking iPhone doesn't have zoom so I have to hunch over like a freak.
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Originally Posted by Yari View Post
LOL, I have an old school scale. I should get a digital one. AND I wish I weighed 125!

My freaking iPhone doesn't have zoom so I have to hunch over like a freak.
Ohhh...yeah I was wondering why you were hunching over to take the pic. LOl. I just zoom my camera and then I use my cellphone to take a pic of the pic in the camera. LOl. That probably made no sense.

Getting a digital scale was the best thing. I bought the WW one at Target. It tells you your BMI and it tells you your exact weight to the T. I love it. No guessing or lying to yourself about your weight. LOL.
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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Ohhh...yeah I was wondering why you were hunching over to take the pic. LOl. I just zoom my camera and then I use my cellphone to take a pic of the pic in the camera. LOl. That probably made no sense.

Getting a digital scale was the best thing. I bought the WW one at Target. It tells you your BMI and it tells you your exact weight to the T. I love it. No guessing or lying to yourself about your weight. LOL.
I really need to invest in a new scale.
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Hey ladies,

I finally replaced the battery on my scale and sent off my first weight! Hopefully, it only goes down from here! Thanks for all the tips. I actually worked out today and went grocery shopping for healthy stuff!

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Getting a digital scale was the best thing. I bought the WW one at Target. It tells you your BMI and it tells you your exact weight to the T. I love it. No guessing or lying to yourself about your weight. LOL.
i have a digital scale, but it only goes in increments of half pounds because its old. so if you are .1 above the .5 pound, it rounds up to the next full pound. rant.gif my camera JUST pushes me over the .1 depending on the day, because i tested it out 2 days this week before i decided to go with my blackberry camera.

smile120.gif i actually registered for that WW scale on our bed bath & beyond registry LOL i hope somebody buys it for me for my shower hahahahaha
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so teacher appreciation week is NOT helping me....thanks to the moms who are feeding me on a daily basis....

anyway, i have a few tips (not that i'm an expert, but just what i've learned as a lifetime ww member):

1) don't eat 8 chocolate chip cookies in one day like me.

2) any loss is a loss rather than a gain. period.

3) packaged meals (smart ones, lean cuisines, even healthy choice canned soups) are low in fat/calories/whatnot, but are SO high in sodium. make sure you drink an extra 8oz. of water if you choose to eat high sodium foods.

4) like glenda said, give into your cravings, but don't over-do it. if you want chocolate, have chocolate - something that's individually packaged, or an actual serving. if you don't give into your cravings, you'll eat EVERYTHING around you and still crave that specific food!

5) plan the week beforehand. i do my food shopping on sundays (or mondays occasionally) and plan what i'm having for the whole work week. i'll pick out 5 different dinners (tho i usually buy 3-4 nights worth of meat), and make 5 days worth of lunch on sunday night (in a gazillion little tupperwares). that way there are no surprises - you eat what you planned. if anything pops up, try to make your choice equivalent to the choice that you would have made at home.

6) pay attention to portion size. it's so easy to think that you're making a great choice when you have a salad at a restaurant, but the salad that they serve is 3x the recommended portion, which is 3x the dressing, 3x the chicken, etc. i've been known to ask for a to-go box before i start eating. that way i can't eat the whole thing in one sitting.

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Oh yeah like Lauren said be careful with dressing. I learned my lesson the hardway with this. Its best to get dressing on the side or buy your own fat free dressing to add to salads (they usually have 15 calories per 2 tablespoons as opposed to 150 calories per 2 tablespoons in regular dressing)

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Thanks for all the helpful tips so far!!! I'm not off to a very good start - I've had 2 lattes & went out for lunch (but managed to only eat a small chicken ceasar salad)!!

My scale is ghetto-rific & it wasn't possible for me to take a pic on my own, so I has to ask Mat to do it. He even took my before pics for me. Poor guy! lol When I saw them I said "oh my god, my lovehandles are THAT BIG!" & he just called me a loser & walked away... lol

Tomorrow is my big start! I hit up the store for fresh fruit & chicken today so I'm better prepared for tomorrow!!

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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
I gained 0.8 since last week! Ugggh! And I am getting AF tomorrow. I pigged out like crazy this week. We are talking popcorn, nachos, cookies, ice cream. Okay its time to get back on track!

Here are some of my random tips:

1. When I first started working out, I didn't lift weights. I just focused on cardio. I know that lifting weights will tone and make you fit better in your clothes, but I didn't want to see little drop on the scale and get discouraged so for the first 4 weeks I only did cardio (about 45 minutes to an hour) and then the last 4 weeks I did cardio (half an hour) and weights. This worked out well for me.

2. If you binge one day don't give up. Just put it aside, let the day go and wake up the next morning ready to start all over again. If you let the binging upset you, you are more likely to give up the next day as well. So just look at each day as a new day.

3. Don't give up stuff you love or you'll just end up wanting to eat it more. Just find ways to make healthier choices. For example, I love ice cream. Instead of giving it up, I eat Klondike 100 calorie low-fat, no added sugar ice cream. It taste the same as regular ice cream and I get to feed my craving w/o loading up on calories.

4. If you love junk food (chips, cookies, etc) then try buying the 100 calorie pack snacks. They have a huge selection now (Doritos, cheetos, goldfish, oreo cookies, muffins, cupcakes, etc). They come pre-packaged so you know exactly how much you are putting into your mouth. Allow yourself one of these snacks a day so you don't feel deprived.

5. A thing I learned to do early on was to buy only enough food for the week. For example, if you buy ice cream don't buy 4 boxes b/c if it sits in your freezer you are more likely to binge and eat 2 boxes. Only buy enough for the week so that you can tell yourself that if you eat two ice cream bars today you won't get to have one tomorrow.

6. Along those same lines, don't go food shopping and not buy snacks, convincing yourself that if you don't have it in your house, you won't eat it. What happens is that your fine for a couple of hours/days and then your body gets a craving and since you didn't buy any snacks you end up binging on your significant other's food or your child's food. Its better to make healthy, smart choices so that if you do get a craving, you will have something healthy to eat.

7. Plan ahead. If you plan ahead what your going to eat the next day, you will be more likely to stick with it than if you just randomly decide on the spur of the moment. If you walk up to your fridge and tell yourself that you'll make grilled chicken but then you see the Domino's take-out menu you will be more likely to go for the Pizza. This also goes along with eating out. Look up menus online ahead of time so you can make a healthy decision before getting there.

8. Be realistic about your expectations. If you tell yourself that you should have a body like Heidi Klum's at the end of this challenge, then you are already setting yourself up for failure. Don't get me wrong you should set goals for yourself, but make them realistic. What I did was set up mini-goals for myself. For example one of my goals was to get out of double digit size clothing. That would mean that I could go from let's say a 10 to an 8 instead of telling myself that I should go from a 12 to a size 2. The more realistic you are, the better you will feel about yourself when you accomplish each goal.

Great tips, thank you! thewave.gif
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