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I also stayed the same. It's my 3rd week in a row with the same number! Could be worse though. I really am feeling great & my friends keep asking me what I've been doing because I look good so I'm happy with those results! My muscles all feel tighter & you can see some definition where you couldn't before. So I say BOO to the number on the scale & YAY to feeling/looking better!! wink.gif

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exactly the same for me too, which certainly is better than gaining. altogether, i've lost 2.8, which is a little disappointing, but to be honest, i don't have tons to lost to begin with - i just want to get back to my ww goal weight, so i have another 10 to go...and the last 10 are always the hardest!

i also think i'm getting my period...you'd think i'd keep track of these things...

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I gained for the second week in a row! I gained 2.5, I think.


I've just been so busy the last few weeks, I've been trying to still eat well, which I think I've been pretty good about, but I haven't had time to exercise at all and over the weekend I just ate and drank like never before!


But its a new week and I have NO parties this weekend, thank god!

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Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford View Post
Despite a very healthy day today and even lots of exercise I find myself eating chocolate right now... I'm very sad and upset, my stupid boyfriend broke up with me a month ago and now it is really seeming to sink in sad.gif
Oh Robyn I'm sorry. It's his loss! Sometimes chocolate is what we need.
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Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford View Post
Despite a very healthy day today and even lots of exercise I find myself eating chocolate right now... I'm very sad and upset, my stupid boyfriend broke up with me a month ago and now it is really seeming to sink in sad.gif
Hang in there Robyn!! I don't know the story, but I'm sure you're better off without him (as you seem to be such a great person from what I read in your posts!) So if he doesn't want to be with you, then BOO to him! He's missing out!

If I had chocolate right now I'd have a piece for you! *HUGS*
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Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford View Post
Despite a very healthy day today and even lots of exercise I find myself eating chocolate right now... I'm very sad and upset, my stupid boyfriend broke up with me a month ago and now it is really seeming to sink in sad.gif
Boo! Just remember that its his loss! And its okay to want to eat chocolate, but use your sadness and anger towards him to pound it at the gym and to want revenge. The best revenge is to look and feel great! Don't let him get to you.
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Originally Posted by Robyn Mumford View Post
Despite a very healthy day today and even lots of exercise I find myself eating chocolate right now... I'm very sad and upset, my stupid boyfriend broke up with me a month ago and now it is really seeming to sink in sad.gif
Just keep working hard Robyn, than next time you see your ex, he will see how great you look and that your doing great without him. I used to love running into an ex after a break up and for him to tell me that i really looked great. It sounds conceited but it was such a great feeling to just see the regret in his face. Use it as motivation.
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