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9 hour layover not mentioned!


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Has anyone used Shine Travel in Canada? I have been using them for my wedding travel arrangements so far and I really have to say that I am not impressed. It takes forever to hear back, and when you do, the agent has forgotten to answer all of your questions!


The final straw- I just heard from one of my guests (!) that we have a nine hour layover on our way home! My travel agent never mentioned this to me and I'm very upset. In total, we'll be travelling for nearly 24 hours to get home from CUBA! We've already booked and payed our deposit, and have 21 guests on the list. I've insisted that something be compensated- such as hotel rooms for the layover, but am I hoping for this horribleness to be fixed unrealistically?


Anyone used this travel company and had problems before?

Thoughts on the situation? Help!?!

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Wow did you not get an actual flight itinerary when you booked? Because I fly across the world (that sounds weird to say) often that is the first think I look at and then I look at how many connections. They probably didnt tell you because they wanted you to book and figured you didnt care.

If there are other flights available I would try to get those instead. Your trip is in October so you have time, in fact you might get a better deal closer to the date. We didnt use our DW TA for our flights we would have had a connecting flight and it would have costed us around 2k a piece just to Fiji. I got our wedding destination AND our honeymoon tickets for a total of 1600 usd/person after waiting around and checking with local companies to get the "special rates".

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I agree with the ladies here. 9 hours is unreasonable. I understand that getting to some locations is more difficult than others, but that is excessive. The fact that they are unresponsive would make me a little nervous too. I hope they are able to help work something out for your guest. Are alternate days/flights an option? With several months to go you should still have some options!

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Yeah that's not good! Is your layover anywhere cool? Maybe you can check in for your connecting flight then leave the airport for 4-5 hours and do something local? If you're stuck with that flight it beats sitting in the airport, kind of a little bonus vacation, that's how I'd look at it. Good luck :)

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I am really sorry to hear this sad.gif

They should have definitely mentioned the long layover to you when you were booking!

Perhaps they will do something to compensate for the time?

We have a 3 hour one on the way back from teh wedding and I know I will want to stab my eye out. In Miami, of all airports. That airport is a madhouse and by far my least fave to travel in.

I sorry! Just talk to your travel agent and see what she can do. Mayb eyou can switch flights?

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