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wedding day mishaps (feel free to add your own!)

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Originally Posted by Kits55 View Post
lol, i would FREEEEAK OUUUUT if that was my wedding. that's exactly what i'm telling whoever performs our ceremony. my FI is not religious at all and definitely is NOT a believer and i'm not such a believer myself. if there is any mention people will see me as they've never seen me before. although our parents would LOVE for god to be in ceremony.
I emailed the WC the script we wanted. That way it didn't have anything in it that didn't reflect us.
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Originally Posted by Kits55 View Post
perfect! i never thought about a script, i didn't even know that you could do that. thanks for the great advice!
as long as you are doing the symbolic ceremony (in mexico). There is a thread called "share your ceremony script." You might find some ideas there. If you do the legal ceremony in mexico, it's a set script.
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Originally Posted by MoonPalacePookie View Post
My wedding was only a week away so this is all fresh in my mind, its not as bad as some of the other stories:

2. When I returned from taking pictures after the ceremony, my guests informed that my WC crashed her golf cart into the buffet table. Thank god there was no food in it, but I guess it made a loud bang when the chaffing dishes hit the pavement.

Click the image to open in full size.

3. During her toast, my mom said "today we lost a member of the family." I know she meant it in a nice way, like they gave me away to Bob's family, but it just sounded like I died.
That picture is priceless. As long as there wasn't food on it, I think I would find that hilarious if that happened on my wedding day. Did your mom correct herself after she said that? Too funny!
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I have to say, I am loving all of these stories!!


These are from a couple of friends weddings:


*I was at a wedding of a friend and her sister, who was her matron of honor, was walking down the aisle and as she was nearly to the front of the church, a little boy (the MOH's son) comes running down screaming, "NO MOMMY, DON'T MARRY THAT GUY!" Oh it was funny!


*I was a bridesmaid in a friends wedding last year, and my fiance along with a guy who is very good at having fun, are ushers. At the reception, these two were recruited as alcohol servers of the keg and some hard alcohol...they ended up making an agreement that for every drink they each poured that person had to also take a shot themselves. They were both drunk within an hour of the reception beginning. I had this confirmed when my fiance was up by the head table pouring beers when someone began tapping their glass to get the bride and groom to kiss. Turned out, this peck of a kiss wasn't enough for my fiance as he loudly expressed that it was no good and they have to use tongue!!! I just shook my head and said "oh my..." to myself. It was quite the evening!!cheers.gif

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  • 7 months later...

i was at a wedding last month, and one of the readers on her way back to her seat, fell flat on her face and fell down the altar steps.. it took like 30 seconds for anyone to even get up and help her and the bride and groom who were literally just a few steps away just sat there.


i know it's wrong but it was hilarious!!

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At my sister's wedding while waiting in the elevator hallway, we asked the groom's 13 yr old brother/ring bearer if he had the rings. He promptly held up the groom's ring to show us he did, and the dropped it down the stairs and towards the elevator shaft. I have never seen 3 men scramble for a ring so fast....You can even hear the "ting...ting...ting" on the wedding video.


We still harass Shane about it, and My BIL loves to show people the scratch he refused to have fixed because it was too funny.

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