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Jessica - I'll PM you about the contract.


Glad you met Petra! I love British accents, too! Yay!


What other info are you waiting on from Fernanda? Is there anything I could send you?


I didn't know about tipping until I read it somewhere else on this site, too! I had no idea! But she really does have to manage a lot of stuff and I'm sure they don't pay her very much.

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Soo...I got a response from Fernanda last night and it looks like we might get the date and venue we want! But she is not sure yet...but as soon as we find out, I want to sign a contract...I'm sooo excited, and I really hope she emails me back soon with good news.

So now I have a few questions:

1. Opice, did she ever get back to you with band recommendations? When she does, could you post what she told you? I am in need of some good band ideas too!

2. Should I make sure that my reception location is stated in the contract? I'm just paranoid about her saying that I can have it and then something happens and I can't. Is it too much to ask that it be put in writing in our contract? Or is it supposed to be in there?

3. What else should I look out for in the contract? And what things should I make sure that is in the contract?

4. How did y'all go about negotiating the contract - phone or email?

5. How did you get the insurance clause out of the contract - what is the best way to go about negotiating it?

6. How much are everyone's group rates for double occupancy? (If you don't mind me asking!)


Muchas gracias!

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Originally Posted by Jessica&Adam View Post
Soo...I got a response from Fernanda last night and it looks like we might get the date and venue we want! But she is not sure yet...but as soon as we find out, I want to sign a contract...I'm sooo excited, and I really hope she emails me back soon with good news.
So now I have a few questions:
1. Opice, did she ever get back to you with band recommendations? When she does, could you post what she told you? I am in need of some good band ideas too!
Sure - she mentioned Kinesis as a reception band and I'll attach the Hilton Music Menu.

2. Should I make sure that my reception location is stated in the contract? I'm just paranoid about her saying that I can have it and then something happens and I can't. Is it too much to ask that it be put in writing in our contract? Or is it supposed to be in there?
It will probably be in the contract when she sends it to you. But yes, you should make sure that the spot you want is guaranteed in writing!

3. What else should I look out for in the contract? And what things should I make sure that is in the contract?
Just make sure to read it carefully. I've found Fernanda and the Hilton to be very ethical and I don't think there is anything in there to be too conerned about. That being said, it's a good rule of thumb to make sure you read and understand every little word before you sign anything. If you have questions, just ask her. She was very patient and explained everything to me and I didn't feel pressure to sign.

4. How did y'all go about negotiating the contract - phone or email?
Email. Get it in writing. And save all the emails just in case.

5. How did you get the insurance clause out of the contract - what is the best way to go about negotiating it?
Just ask. I may have stumbled across this after (I think it was Kim?) said she had trouble with this piece of the contract. I did some research on this and couldn't find a US Insurance Company willing to insure a wedding in Mexico, and I couldn't find another hotel in Cancun that required insurance. So...I told them that and they took it out of the contract. It was pretty easy actually, so I'm thinking Kim may have paved the way for me. :) (I'm wondering if by the time it comes to you it will be removed as it seems like lots of people have pushed back on that. They may have taken it out all together.)

6. How much are everyone's group rates for double occupancy? (If you don't mind me asking!)
This will change depending on the time of year you are going, so don't be concerned if some people have a lower rate than you. I didn't do any negotiating here. Maybe I could have, but the Hilton still gave me a cheaper rate than anywhere else, and I watched Fernanda put our dates in the computer and then tell me what the rate was. That gave me some confidence as it was clear that she wasn't just pulling a number out of the sky. We're going in the low season and double occ for a standard room is $139.

Hope that helps!




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Jessica - didn't you say once that you work at the Hyatt? I'd ask your banquet department for a copy of their standard contract. That way you could compare it to the Hilton contract and see if there is anything out of the ordinary...

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Its been a week since I last heard from Fernanda too. I'm starting to get worried as well because we're hoping for a November wedding this year and if she's this slow in getting back to me and getting me available dates, I'm worried that we won't have enough time to get everything planned!

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Our rates for double occupancy (the last week of June) are $145 a night. We lucked out though, because they didn't have enough standard rooms for our block, and so they upgraded all of the rooms in our block to deluxe rooms, which have the walk-out balcony, for the same price.

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Yes that was me who she gave a Nov 14th date. I went back ot her and asked for other options available in November. I had wanted either Veterans Day weekend or the weekend before Thanksgiving. FI's bday is the 29th so it would be fun to be on our honeymoon for his birthday!

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Ok, so I need to vent and right now this is seeming to be the best place to do it. I am SO upset right now! I was very excited because Fernanda emailed me a few minutes ago, and let me know that I could have tne venue I wanted for my reception (Mitachi) on the day I wanted! But then I read on and it says: "We will divide it so you can have the private event in one side of the restaurant and still have some space open for the individual clients." - which is completely unacceptable to me! I work in a hotel and I know that we block off our event areas for groups all the time - should a wedding be any different? NO! The reception is one of the most important parts of the night and there is no way in hell I am going to share it with random strangers! I'm kind of offended she would even suggest that for MY WEDDING RECEPTION! My original vision was to have part of the restaurant set up for the reception dinner, have the area where those couches are for a 'lounge area', the bar to obviously used for my open bar, and the elevated area up near the bar for my DJ to be set up and dancing! I just don't understand why they cannot block it off for just one night, and a Sunday night at that, for my reception! I mean I really had my heart set on it and for what I want, I really just don't know if any of the other Hilton reception sites will work. I might have to go to my number two choice now (the Westin), which I was not mentally prepared to do either. Its just like why can I not have exactly what I want for my wedding reception? And I feel like its such a huge life event that I should not have to compromise on this!!!!


AHHH. Well...sorry for the rant, I am just really dissapointed right now, and I guess its back to the drawing board. Again.


Anyone have any suggestions of what I should do?? sad.gif



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