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Invite everyone to the rehearsal dinner?

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Ok so my future mother in-law and myself have been debating this topic. I feel that since we are asking are guest to fly out to Cancun for our wedding, then we should invite them to the rehearsal dinner. She thinks that it should be the bridal party and family. But we have a small guest list, about 40 people. So that means that about 30 people will be at the rehearsal dinner and 10 wont. What is your opinion?

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my gut instint is to invite them.wot the heck whats 10 more.if you mention that they need to let you know,and add you dont want to hijack the whole time your there and that you wont be offended either way.however give them a deadline so you know for sure.does that make sense? i hope so

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I agree with you. I think traditionally out of town family is invited to the RD for an "at home" wedding. Obviously mostly as a courtesy since they don't really need to be there...but if everyone they know is that the dinner, it would be a bummer to leave them hanging. You know? While that logic doesn't exactly work for a DW (since everyone is "from out of town"! lol!) I think with a party your size, it's the way to go.


If you were having a much larger wedding...like 100 people or something then that might be a different story since at least 50 of them would likely have no real business at a rehearsal or RD.


My bff had a DW and she just invited everyone who came to the RD. So even those not at the rehearsal still met up for dinner. It was really fun.

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I think a lot of people do a welcome dinner instead of calling it a rehearsal dinner, that way if you have a rehearsal you can just have the key people at that and then meet everyone else for a dinner. We invited a lot of people to our rehearsal even if they weren't directly involved because so many people traveled and we knew it was a chance to get to spend some more time with them.

ETA: I just noticed you are from Napa, that's where I was married, we had about 50 people invited to the RD and we went to a mexican rest. in yountville-the name is escaping me right now and had the entire patio. It was a blast and I think that if you want to have everyone (what's 10 more people) you should go for it!

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good question! I have pondering the same thing... as the majority of the group would be invited and a minority would not. Since we are all at the same resort, it would be nice to include everyone. I like christine's idea of calling it a welcome dinner. : )

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If I were you, I would invite them all.

I'm having 85 people come to the wedding and about 40 are coming to the rehearsal dinner. I would love to invite all of the guests b/c it's true that they are all "out of town", but it's just too many. If I had a smaller group, I would definitely try to do it.

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