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AGH Friend Driving Me Nuts!!


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GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's sooooooooooo opinionated & always has to be right!!!!!

She's going from dark brown to blonde this weekend so I gave her a few warnings & suggestions because I am a hairstylist and she's bloody arguing with me saying stupid shit like "Well I know for a fact that my hair takes blonde well!" & other stupid stuff along those lines when IIIIIII know her hair better because I've been doing it for her for a few years!!!!!

AGH!!!!! I mean I'm ONLY a hairstylist who DOES HER FRIGGIN HAIR!! OBVIOUSLY I have no idea what I'm talking about........


*sigh* WOW that felt great to get out! Thanks :)

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lol I wish I could laugh if her hair gets screwed up... but I'll be the one stuck fixing it!! lol


She's being better now. Said something about needing my "professional opinion" which could be nice or could be sarcasm that I'm completely missing.... LOL

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Seriously? I mean that... seriouslyhuh.gifhuh.gif


Some people just are so clueless. Who knows. Maybe she's right... and she's done this before... and her hair is exactly the same today as it was when she did it previously... and nothing could go wrong... and pigs could fly...

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