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Wedding day fishing?

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Our guys went deep sea fishing the day before, and the morning of the wedding they had a beach volly ball game, they had a blast. I say let him do what he wants, guys usually let us do what we want without any input, so why not return the setiment and trust them to have fun and be smart:)

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I would be concerned about the timing of things but I'm a bit anal about that. I'd prefer he was closer to the resort just incase they're running late. (Hello, they're on Mexico time!) and drinking/traffic/etc.

I would also be concerned about the sunburn. My girlfriend's husband to be when to a baseball game the day before they're wedding and had a bright red forehead and raccoon eyes.. not cool. You get a lot more sun out on the water than golfing (IMO)


BUT if that's what he wants to do and he thinks it will be fine I wouldn't throw a stink about it. It's not worth fighting if it's something he really wants to do and it should help to take his mind off of things if he's nervous.


Just a warning.. the day goes fast!

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