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My mom gets married tomorrow!


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Everything went really well. At the courthouse, my SIL showed up much to my brother's disapproval and had a bridal bouquet for my mom. We all hugged and cried hehe It meant a lot for my mom to have my SIL there since they're so close and with all the problems with my brother, there was a rif in the relationship. I just kept telling my SIL,"thank you thank you thank you" and she said,"Your mom is such an important part of my life, I couldn't not come." So I was happy. Afterwards we went to the restaurant and as people started to trickle in, she kept going,"OH MY GOD!" She was so so happy to have everyone there. I didn't tell her who was coming so everytime she'd see someone she'd cry. I kept using her camera throughout the night bc my camera sucks so once I get the pics from her husband I'll post them :)

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Originally Posted by nikkianddean View Post
I didn't even catch the pic of you guys together up there. She's so cute!!!

No matter how old they are....they are still boys. My brother got "Mama's Boy Forver" tatooed on his arm. Need I say more?
I TOTALLY WISH that when my son gets older that he tattoos that on his arm for me! Mothers and son's have a different relationship. I absolutely worship my son. He is only 2, but has had my heart since I carried him inside me. Don't get me wrong - I love my daughter just as much, but in a different way. focus.gif

Jenny I am SO happy that your SIL showed up! - AND with a bouquet! We MUST see pictures! It sounds like an absolutely joyous day for your mom. She is lucky to have you and your FI!
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