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I had a surgery ...


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It started with a flu, then the throat infection and when I got to the airport I started to feel fever, but I had this meeting so I took the plane to Indy and my infection got worst, my ears started to hurt by Wednesday I had issues to breath and on the plane back to Monterrey my inner ears almost exploded, it was the most horrible pain I ever had , I tolerate very well the pain, but this was the worst! ... Jorge took me to see the Doc just coming out the plane and she said I had blood, mucus, infection and some other weird and disgusting stuff inside, she also mentioned my ears were the worst she had ever seen before!!! So she gave me shots, antibiotics, pain medicines, nasal cleansers, etc etc etc.. she gave me 24 hours to get better, It didnt so I got in to the hospital and got a miringotomy, basically they make a punction in your inner ear and drain all the infection, blood, etc out I was sleep for about 4 hours and woke up with horrible pain in my left ear, it got better in the hospital but yesterday at home got it very bad... today had to see the doc again and she did again the same procedure but without the anesthesia!!! I almost past out, it was HORRIBLE!!!


The right ear is now ok but the left one continues with the problem so now I take more antibiotics, more pain medice,etc and they made me a Tomography and found I have an small bone tumor between my eyes, nose and forehead causing an obstruction is a 6mm they are checking if they can take out from the nose, if not they will have to cut the area near the my left eyebrow and take this osteoma out from there also have a terrible sinus and 2 other things they will have to "repair" ... so if the medical insurance goes ok I will be on surgery again next Tuesday, this one will be bigger and as I mentioned I am kind of scared but knows is the only way to get better ...

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Oh Edna! I am so sorry to hear about this! Seriously keep us posted about what's going on... Was the inner ear infection due to the flu? This is horrible, ear pain is BAD! I suffer from strep throat like it's job.....seriously it happens all the time, and I ALWAYS end up with ear infections and that's bad enough I can't even IMAGINE what you're going through....hang in there and get healthy! I'm thinking of you....

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