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Hotel Transportation

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Hmmm...maybe I should just have you incorporate it into their rates so they think that transportation is included. Honestly that is all I ever hear everyone complain about is transportation. My one stupid cousin who went to cabo told my entire family that the trip from the airport to the hotel was like $85. So now everyone is using this as their determining factor on whether or not to go to cabo. I want them to believe that cabo is cheaper than it really is. It's all about perception.



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Originally Posted by Nrvsbride View Post
Hmmm...maybe I should just have you incorporate it into their rates so they think that transportation is included. Honestly that is all I ever hear everyone complain about is transportation. My one stupid cousin who went to cabo told my entire family that the trip from the airport to the hotel was like $85. So now everyone is using this as their determining factor on whether or not to go to cabo. I want them to believe that cabo is cheaper than it really is. It's all about perception.

tell you cousin to keep her big fat mouth shut and that she is either an exagerator or a sucker if she really paid $85 for a cab ride...

i know you can't say that but it would be funny.
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HAHA! Actually it's a guy cousin and he makes over 3 million dollars a year. He actually made this comment to his mother but a year ago when he visited Cabo. My aunt is very cheap and now she is blabbing to anyone that will listen that cabo is so expensive, and that I am rude for having my wedding in such an expensive city. Ummm hello we live in NYC?



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