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... so what are thoughts on sending formal printed invites to Family and close friends (about 25 ppl) and then just sending STDs to everyone else?

We will be blocking rooms for the obvious family and close friends, but want to sort of keep the #s down... so we were thinking of just doing save the dates with our website info on it (with TA info) and letting them figure it out...? We don't want ppl NOT to come, but we don't want ppl just looking for a reason to holiday there either...



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Most of the girls here (myself included) sent or are sending the STD's to everyone on their guestlist and then sending invites out later to the people they know (or reasonably believe) will come. I think this is the best way to do it. You can put your website on your STD and then people can RSVP on your website and let you know if they are interested in coming or not. From that number you can more or less get an idea for how many people you have to send a formal invitation to. Invitations are more expensive than STD's so it makes sense to only send it to those people that you know will come.



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hmmm..I'm doing it a little differently. I sent my STDs to everyone and then am also sending an invite to everyone.


IMO, I would feel kinda wierd as a potential guest, if I only received a STD and then an inviation never showed up (especially if I was planning to attend). But, I guess if you verbally find out from people if they are planning to come or not, you shouldn't need to send

an invite to those who you know can't make it.


On a side note~

I had a friend who sent out a STD for her wedding and based on this I booked my flight (non-refundable), and then she changed her plans....so I was out the airfare....but, this was probably my fault for being a type A....always planning ahead...and it wasn't like the wedding was in a different country.

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We are sending both to everyone. We worked really hard to get the guestlist down to the bare minimums. Every single person on our list is someone I hope comes. We for sure pissed some people off, but I would rather have them pissed now than right before the wedding when they don't get an invite.

I don't think there are any rules on this though, so I say do what you want - it's a dw where there are no rules!

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We also sent STDs & invites to everyone. We only sent out about 55. On our STDs it said...invitation to follow. Even if I knew someone wasn't coming I still sent the invite. Everyone we had on the list we hoped could be there but knew we would have 100% turnout.

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We sent STD magnets out to everyone with a letter explaining the event and directing them to our website for more info and to rsvp. The letter explained that those people who rsvp'd with a "yes" on the website would receive a formal invitation a few months later.


It worked well for us, so far we cut our original list of just over 100 down to 40 (saves money on invitations too)!!

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