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A 10 year old called me a whore!


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Wow that is crazy. Sorry you had to deal with them!


Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
Did you even ask her if she know what that word meant? maybe she meant like "picture whore" but in your case a bling whore.. but just used it in the wrong content.
When I was little I called my niece a "pussy"... TOTALLY thinking it meant like "pussy CAT", you know - like "frady(sp?) cat". Wellll my older sisters (they are 12 and 16 years older than me) did NOT think that was funny. I got in BIG trouble because they insisted that I knew the "other" meaning of the word. To this day it still bugs me, and they still insist that I knew what it meant. I must've just been naive - I was probably 13 or 14 but I was a pretty big nerd then so that's probably why I didn't know the "other" meaning yet LOL
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Talking about things you say when you're a kid....I remember when we were kids, my little sister (always the drama queen) used to wear this fake furry coat. She went into my mom's room and was crying hysterically and was screaming that my older sister was pulling her "hair".


Without asking, my mom reacted and yelled at my older sister and spanked her and sent her to her room. Well- my little sister meant she was pulling the "hair" on her stupid furry ass coat. My mom felt so dumb.

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i'd like to say i'm shocked, but i teach 10 year olds... they come in talking about how if someone wears black, they're goth, and if someone is emo, they are goth, but also emotional, and are depressed and like to cut themselves. gay is a word i hear often (specifically out of one kid's mouth, and i have a conference with mom like every flipping week). i'll bet whore is next. it's all over tv and youtube, and kids have older siblings, etc. when i have kids i'm gonna lock them in a bubble until they are 35.


what did you tell your daughter?


on a funnier note, when i was about 7, i had a friend over and she told my sister to put 3 fingers in her mouth and then say suckering succotash, like sylvester the cat. well with fingers in your mouth, the 's' comes out as 'f' and my friend ran and told my mom that my sis said the f-word. she got her mouth washed out with soap, and then we both got a lecture on not following, and not always doing what other people tell you to do.

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Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post

The little girl looks up at me and says very matter of factly..."Thats just what that lady said on tv, so you must be a whore too".smile43.gif

"I saw that lady on TV too! She also said once that little girls who are disrespectful should be spanked by their parents. So I guess I'll have to tell your dad you need spanked too!"

I really don't like kids that much to begin with, but when they have behavior like that, I don't even bother being polite or nice to them.
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Originally Posted by MikkiStreak View Post
"I saw that lady on TV too! She also said once that little girls who are disrespectful should be spanked by their parents. So I guess I'll have to tell your dad you need spanked too.
I wish I could have composed myself quickly enough...I TOTALLY should have said that to her!
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