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Oh, it's one of those days


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So I woke up this morning in a fit of rage. FI is causing a lot of little frustrations with wedding plans and condo searching and for some reason, everything just started to really annoy me this morning. I am fully aware that I am irrationally angry right now, but I don't care. I just want to yell at him. I NEVER get like this, so this is really strange. And no, PMS is not involved. Please tell me I'm being normal, that this just happens from time to time. Oh, and I haven't had any contact with FI yet today, so I haven't gone off on him. Lucky for him! Grrr... voodoo.gif

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I've been there! Not sure if I would call it "normal" but I think wedding planning is a very stressful time (especially when you throw condo hunting in as well) and sometimes our emotions run wild. This past month there was a full week where I swear all FI and I did was argue and fight. It was over nothing and I realized I was being irrational but I couldn't help myself. I ended up having a girls night with a close friend that started with a complete vent session and then a night of fun. The next day I apologized to FI and we sat down and discussed some of my top concerns (and I simply got over all the little stuff). At that point I decided to stop agonizing over the little stuff and actually sit back and enjoy our engagement and planning time. He was very understanding as he knows the wedding is stressing me out. We have been good ever since!

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