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I hate writing papers

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This is totally random but I am soooo sick of writing papers... blah blah blah my brain is starting to turn to mush. The best part is that I get to write a 25 page paper in the Fall for my Capstone - ... yeah.... not so much.


I'm so ready for graduation in December! smile29.gif bunny_4.gifbunny_4.gifbunny_4.gif

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Hang in there ~ I know what it's like to be bombarded with writing papers and everything you read and write is all starting to sound the same and go in circles. Been there, done that!! smile41.gif


For me I remember the late nights up were a little easier if you put classical instrumental music on. I don't know what it is, I think it soothes the nerves and calms you - especially when you look out the window and realize the birds are starting to chirp and the sun is rising and you look and feel like crap!!


Keep focused ~ because come Dec you will be the happiest person in the world!!!

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The worst part about writing papers is when you can think of everything you could be looking up on BDW. It has been the death of my grades this semester...well at least has contributed the countless nights of no sleep!


I just finished my final draft of the fourth paper this semester and only have two more drafts to correct...ughh makes me sick to think about it, maybe I should start...ohhh but I really need to find some ideas for my welcome letter, and I need to post the directions for the barefoot sandals and ... :)

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Ok, this post just made me feel very nervous! I have been out of school for about 7 years and this fall I'm going back! Yikes! I don't even know if I remember how to write a paper anymore. I will just add this to what I already know if true - I am in for a big shock!

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Thanks for the support ladies! Courtney, I know what you mean - anytime I even hear that someone has to write a paper it makes my stomach turn. But then I always get the BEST feeling when I've completed it and turned it in. Now, the 25 page paper I am freaking out about. I have never written a paper over 8 pages. But this class is geared completely towards this paper - that's all you do the entire semester. I'm hoping to have all my other classes completed (I only have 3 others left) by the Fall so that I can focus completely on that. Well, that and work cheesy.gif


Originally Posted by Mel View Post
The worst part about writing papers is when you can think of everything you could be looking up on BDW. It has been the death of my grades this semester...well at least has contributed the countless nights of no sleep!


I just finished my final draft of the fourth paper this semester and only have two more drafts to correct...ughh makes me sick to think about it, maybe I should start...ohhh but I really need to find some ideas for my welcome letter, and I need to post the directions for the barefoot sandals and ... :)

DUDE, YES!!!!!! smile124.gif


I am sooooo guilty of this! I feel so ashamed to say this but I have actually skipped a lot of classes this semester because I've just sat around on BDW for too long in the morning!!!! Granted, it is a class where attendance doesn't count and it's only made up of 4 exams - each of which you are given the review sheet (exactly like the exam) a week before, allowed to take it home and fill it out (comes directly from the book) and take it with you to the exam! That is way too much temptation to miss class for this little Senior to take! Especially when there's all you lovely ladies to talk with all morning. wink.gif


Originally Posted by gkashmira View Post
Ok, this post just made me feel very nervous! I have been out of school for about 7 years and this fall I'm going back! Yikes! I don't even know if I remember how to write a paper anymore. I will just add this to what I already know if true - I am in for a big shock!
Oh Kash don't worry - you are going to do GREAT! It will probably be a shock at first, yes but you seem so intelligent I have a feeling you're going to kick some serious butt. Like I said, even though papers make me CRINGE, I come out with such an amazing feeling of accomplishment every time that it's almost worth it... almost wink.gif
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