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Dreams Cancun review......

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I am not on the forum much because I am in outside sales and my job is very consuming. So I apologize for that!! Thanks to all of the girls on the forum for all the great ideas~~So here it goes my REVIEW for DREAMS CANCUN!




Don't get me wrong.....I LOVE Dreams Cancun, but we had a lot of stuff go wrong. This was my 3rd time back to the resort and before this time never did we have any problems. I arrived to the resort 3 days before the majority of our guests, the day my guests got there (Wednesday) they noticed I had a huge red rash on the side of my face and on my butt by the bikini line. I just figured the one on my face was from not rubbing in the sunblock or something and the one on my butt was from sitting on the cement or scraping against a lounge chair? I wasnt too worried about it.....that is until I woke up on Thursday and they had both blistered!!! Then one of our guests had it all across his stomach. I immediately started to freak....went to the doctor on the resort and had to pay $350 USD for him to tell me that I had an allergic reaction to the food and he gave me 2 steroid shots. It was not any sort of an allergic reaction because it spread to my stomach, leg, hand and back. Also by the end of the trip 20 of our guests had it on some part of their body.....They left on Sunday and half of them went to the doctor at home and the doctors said it could be many different things...it could be a parasite on their chairs, bedding or towels; it could be from the pool; it could be from jelly fish larva.....they werent sure..This was just a little embarrassing that 20 poeple got this rash. Also 15 people from our group got really sick (montezumas revenge) My husband being one of them!!! He was sick the day of the wedding sad.gif


Wedding Coordinator. Daniella~~~B

Daniella was great corresponding over email. She rarely took more than 24 hours to get back to me, which I loved because when planning a wedding from far away correspondence is very important!! She was wonderful when I met her at my site visit, she was willing to accomodate everything I wanted and even called an outside vendor to get me tiffany chairs. When we arrived at the hotel on Sunday April 6th she was there to greet us and go over all the final details!! The reason I give her a B is because she was great up until the actual wedding day. More will be explained in the reception part. Our ceremony was supposed to start at 5pm. At 4 my dress was no where to be found, so we called Daniella and she said she had put it in one of my bridesmaids room (where it was being stored b4 the big day) so my maid of honor went to her room to get it. She got to the room and called me and said not to worry the dress was there but in a complete wrinkled mess that was unwearable. We called Daniella right away and she said that they were too scared to steam it b/c what if it burned. (That irked me b/c she should of told me instead of just putting it back in the same condition). So my bridesmaids brought the dress TO her and she took it to another resort to have it steamed. The dress was not returned to me until 5:45. This gave us no time for pictures before the ceremony(which was supposed to start at 5:00) The chairs did not show up until 545. The ceremony basically started at 6 and gave us little daylight time for pictures afterward. Daniella also recieves the B b/c she was no where to be found during the reception and there was confusion of when to do the cake cutting and the first dance etc.....


I have to go.....more to come.......................once I figure out how to post pics I will post them!!!! They are great!!! Overall the wedding was beautiful we just had a bunch of bumps in the road..............to be continiued!!

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