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question for cat owners


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I agree with what's been said. We have two indoor cats and our vet advised AGAINST vaccine. Luckily there are still vets out there who don't just want to make money and actually have our cats' health in mind.


The older cat was Colin's before and he just never got them after she was spayed. We got a 6 month kitten last year and I took him for his first visit expecting the vet to do them and he listed all the reasons he's against vaccinating indoor cats (all which have been mentioned- allergies & reactions)


FI's sister vaccinates her 3 cats every year, and I have honestly never met any cats with as many health problems as them.


One of the most convincing arguments my vet told me was that there is no research or studies that show that cat vaccines actually work. The only study ever done was in England and it used a sample of 10,000 cats- which is way way too small of a sample. And one study! And the results were therefore inconclusive.

He recommends rabies vaccines for outdoor cats and that's it.

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I have two indoor cats and haven't got them vaccinated either except for when they were kittens. I honestly just don't think it's necessary.


However, when we go away for the wedding, I will need to kennel them at the vets and they require they are all caught up on their shots... I'm really nervous about doing that now because they seemed fine without them.. waaahhh

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they are indoor cats, but we occasionally take them for walks on leashes - but only on our property...i know, crazy cat lady, but they think they're dogs. we also occasionally take ed to the pet store b/c he loves to climb from cat tree to cat tree and watch the birds. other than that, they don't come in contact with any other animals.


please keep the advice coming...i'm still torn...

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