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Review of Pre-Cana...Long


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Glenda, I'm glad you had such a positive experience. I have to admit that going to Pre-Cana is something that I don't think I could ever convince Mike to do (one of the reasons why we wouldn't get married in the Church). Neither of us are very religious (even though we both went to Catholic school for 12 years!) and it would have felt very forced I guess to go through with Pre-Cana and a Church wedding. A lot of my friends are getting married in the next year or two, I'll let them know I heard it wasn't as bad as we've heard.

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Thanks for sharing this Glenda. It made me think about certain things Dean & I have never discussed. Some things I have never even thought of. It is really important to consider some of the challenges that we will face as a couple. It won't always be roses. Thanks again for posting this!

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For some of you who are considering Pre-Cana but are a little wary of it, I would tell you that it was really a great experience for us. I will be happy to post some things we were given that we found particularly helpful when I get home and can scan some handouts. We keep them handy at home in our den, my god we are so dorky.

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for those of you who are catholic wavering on whether or not you want to do pre-cana, i would tell you that we definitely had a positive experience. i would recommend a program like this to any couple. in fact, for those of you wavering over whether or not you should do something like this, i will be happy to post some of the particularly helpful handouts we received. we keep them handy in our den because there are some really good handouts of talking points. will scan a few when i get home and post in case anyone is interested.

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I'm so glad to hear that you both had such a great experience with it. We're still doing ours, but we attend a weekly meeting (we're almost done only 2 more). We are really enjoying ours too, although some weeks are better than others. Since we attend weekly we have different presenters. In terms of the abuse I was quite surprised the Church saying for us to get out if that is how we are being treated, and I'm glad that they did. I think its a super positive step. Hopefully they can come around on some other issues, ie. "cohabitation"

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  • 3 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Glad to hear that people have had positive experiences with Pre-Cana.  My fiance and I have decided to get married in his church before we go to Cancun.  The church ceremony is set for 2 weeks before our DW ceremony.  At first I didn't really get why we couldn't just go to the court house but my fiance really wants us to do it in the church where he grew up and where his parents got married.  I've come around to the idea and now I'm very excited to have our ceremony at the church with all our family who can't make it to Cancun in attendance. We meet with the priest who is going to marry us on Friday afternoon and then I believe we have to do an all day Pre-Cana class.  I was kind of dreading it to tell you the truth but it seems like most people have had positive things to say and learned a lot.  Now I have to plan a little after ceremony reception for the family who will be coming the church.  Also, I need to find a simple white dress, I guess this will be our AHR but before the DW.  This is getting a little stressful but I'm sure we'll pull it off and have two special days, kind of cool we get to be married twice!!  :D

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