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Help With Skin Complexion!


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Hey there girls. Just want to say you all look beautiful and don't seem to have the same problems as I do...But anything will help.


Ever since we sent a date (which is over a year away) my face has been breaking out like crazy. I can't get it to stop. Now I am worried it will stick around for a year and I will look hideous in my wedding pictures!!!


Any tips of getting a clear complexion or beating the odd blemish would be greatly appreciated.


Also I hate to post this but she wants help...One of my bridesmaids has minor back acne and was wondering if any one can suggest something.


Which types of facials are the best to get before your wedding and when should I start getting them? Should I get them on a regular basis or is a couple good before the wedding.


HELP WITH THIS I AM GOING ABSOLUTE BATTY!!!! rant.gif shots.gif rant.gif


I don't know why it is so bad but I can't get it to stop! I have never been this bad...EVER! msncry.gif msncry.gif msncry.gif

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i am going to move this to the beauty forum...




my skin looked great for my pics...i am off it and off BC and look like an ugly zit monster...but for my wedding, i was so pleased...no need for concealer/foundation even.


i did obagi with retin a, microderms, and laser...i used it to get rid of all th cne scars i had (they were all pigmented)...the retin a got rid of the acne.

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You know, I'm in the same boat as you, I've been under so much stress that my face has been breaking out. I'm thinking about buying the ever famous proactive, and if that doesn't work I plan to see a dermotoligist. If Tammy (host) or Sarah sees this post I'm sure they can offer up some suggestions.

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I had really bad skin and I mean BAD! I went on Accutane and it was the best thing that ever happend to me. My skin was SUPER clear, but super dry. You can also go on BC. That cleaned up my skin real nice. Although I gained weight. sad.gif I know Accutane has a bad rap, but it worked for me.

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I've always had what I will call "mild" acne- usually 2 or 3 pimples at a time, sometimes less- not always terrible, but never great. I started seeing a dermatologist last fall to clear up my skin before my May wedding. They currently have me on a regimen of washing with an OTC face wash containing salicylic acid, exfoliating 2 (but no more than 3) times per week, topical Retin A every other night, and topical Benzaclin for breakouts. I am also getting a Microderm Abrasion and Anti-Acne facial every 4 weeks. I am extremely pleased with my results. I went from always wearing concealer to hardly ever, because I rarely get a pimple now (maybe like once a week, which feels like NEVER compared to what I used to get) and when I do get one, the medication clears it up in a matter of a couple days.

I also had lots of old scarring from previous acne. With the microderm abrasion and peels I have been getting, my scars are so faded they aren't that noticeable to anyone but me now. My FI and coworkers comment on how much better my skin is, which really is a great feeling!


I'd start going to a dermatiologist as soon as possible so they can find out what your skin needs. I'd also check out the Obagi that Tammy recommended. My dermatologist didn't want to go that route for me because my skin is soooooooo sensitive (even just my Retin A makes me turn beet red and peel really bad), but Tammy had great results.


Let me know if you have any other questions...hope that helps...

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i'm one that swares by proactive.. i have sensative and dry skin, and eczema. prior to proactive i had occasional - frequent breakouts.. there were just times where i kept several on my face at a time w/ the scaring, or none on my face.. i swore maybe i was allergic to something, but the doctor refused to give me a referral for the testing..


i came to the point of looking to change products when i saw the informercials.. i tried to ignore it, but then started reading the info on their website, and my mom offered to buy it for me for christmas... i was nervous about trying it because it is a medicated solution with benzoyl peroxide.. but the directions talk about how to weed yourself onto the product, especially the step 3, etc.. i probably didnt use it fully for about month 2 or 3. i've been using it for like 3 or so years, and i can't tell you the last time i've had a pimple and my face has this softness...


i've ran into a few people that proactive didnt work for, and they mentioned it dried them out..they also mentioned that they thought step 3 was a moisturizer, which indeed it isnt. you need to use a moisterizer in addition to the step 1, 2, & 3..


proactive has been great for me..just another option



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MD Skincare: Dr. Gross M.D. Skincare & MD Skin Care Product at Sephora.com

I have recently started using this, and I am really liking it, I didn't want to spend the money on proactive. I use Orgins product for everything like make up and cleaner and then use the pads of this MD skincare

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Well, I have a friend who used Accutane and it really worked for her. She was very happy w/ the results.


I haven't ever had serious skin problems, probably just the same stuff that most people deal with. But I personally use Philosophy skin care. I LOVE the "Hope in a Jar" moisturizer, the vitamin C powder they have is awesome (you mix it in your moisturizer) and the cleanser is great too. They also have other treatments, peels etc that I'm looking forward to trying. Also, I like Arbonne products a lot. I use a mask of theirs and am going to buy a scrub and an eye cream soon. I think you have to get them online or through a rep. My sisters and mom are die-hard fans...they love it. And I think it's an organic product? Or very botanically based at least - seems to do well even on sensative skin.


Obviously good skin care - even if it's not expensive - is going to help. But I have to say, I know more than one girl who changed her eating habits and really noticed wonderful differences in her skin. My SIL has recently made some changes to her diet, more water (she used to be a Dr Pepper addict) and less processed food. We've all noticed her skin looking great lately. Same thing goes for a girl I know who simply cut out sodas - esp those w/ "caramel" coloring like Coke, Pepsi etc. That really seemed to make a difference for her.


Sorry that was SO long!!

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I also swear by Proactive. I had really bad acne (eww! bad memories!). I didn't want to try Accutane b/c my sister used it and it really dried her face & some parts of her body. Proactive really worked for me!. The infomercials are dead on when they say that you see results after a few days. Keep in mind my face dried out for a couple of weeks but if you buy a moisturizer you should be ok. I'm actually going to buy a package of Proactive for my BM (my 2 sisters) as part of their 6 month count down. They use it too.


Ok, i'll stop raving about proactive now. smile116.gif


ps. I've known a few people where Proactive didn't work too. I truly hope that this is not your case.

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