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Yey I signed up for the 1/2 marathon!


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I've been running for a while and been intending to do this ever since. But I think the trick is just to sign up for it, buy a bunch of new running clothes and getting out there..lol! I just like the feeling of seeing that finish line and knowing you've done it. Secretly if I can do it anyone can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did it! :) my time wasn't spectacular, 2hrs and 6 min sad.gif but I'm glad I finished and I didn't walk any of it. Now I'm going to start working on my time and training for the full marathon in October. My legs feel like jello right now, jello and pain but I slept like a baby last night haha! here's some pics that the FI took...he's really tall which is why they're sort of arial shots wink.gif it was the last 1/2 a km and i needed to throw away my jacket that I'd carried wrapped around my waist the whole way.


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Originally Posted by SgtPepperette View Post
That is an AWESOME TIME! I just ran my first half htis past Sunday, and was a bit slower than you :)

I cant wait till my next one!
that's super awesome! good for you cheesy.gif!!! have you already registered for the next one?
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