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Breathe Sarah Breathe!


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This is one of the reasons I SO prefer the phone.


Call her and tell her that you're really in love with the idea, and you've already got it all set and ready to go. Then emphasize that it's important to you. She'll get it.


If she wants to add a coffee bar, let her (at her expense).

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I went to a holiday party around New Years at a local high end hotel here in the city, all ages and the candy bar was an immense hit with all ages young and old. She may just be concerned about sticky candy and people who have had a bit too much to drink. I would ask her if that is the case and possibly offer for clean up in case someone smooshes stuff into the carpet.

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Mandy's FI told me just yesterday that his favorite thing at his best friend's reception was a candy bar. He said it was really fun and everyone enjoyed picking out their own candy. (He hasn't seen this thread - the comment came out of the blue - so there's another yes vote for you.)

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I think part of the problem may be your approach. Stop putting down your idea before you even tell her. You aren't crazy for wanting a candy bar! It's just a relatively new idea for weddings and may not be something your FMIL has seen before. It's not tacky and when they're well put together they're beautiful. If I were you I would just share your excitement. She's less likely to rain on your parade.. well, then again she is a MIL.. :) but you wouldn't double check with a hall owner or a park if that's where you were having your AHR.. Do what you want as long as it's within your budget.

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I am going to wait to talk to her until I talk to my FI. She takes everything VERY pesonally and dont want to hurt her feelings. I know she will think I am mad at her.... Im just frustrated and honsetly the last thing I need right now!


but thanks for the good advice, I will let you know how it goes....


And yes they want more of a traditional wedding..... obviously Kevin and I are not hence getting married in cabo and this reception back here was just supposed to be a fun big party.....



Oh yeah we also asked them if we would be able to put tables in the living room so more people coulf fit comfortably, and they said "absoultely not" because they want everything in their house to look perfect....


Im thinking of, you want beer to get spilt all over your 10k couches, whatever!



Sorr I sound like a huge bitch im just soooo frustrated!

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I am going to wait to talk to her until I talk to my FI. She takes everything VERY pesonally and dont want to hurt her feelings. I know she will think I am mad at her.... Im just frustrated and honsetly the last thing I need right now!


but thanks for the good advice, I will let you know how it goes....


And yes they want more of a traditional wedding..... obviously Kevin and I are not hence getting married in cabo and this reception back here was just supposed to be a fun big party.....



Oh yeah we also asked them if we would be able to put tables in the living room so more people coulf fit comfortably, and they said "absoultely not" because they want everything in their house to look perfect....


Im thinking of, you want beer to get spilt all over your 10k couches, whatever!



Sorry I sound like a huge bitch im just soooo frustrated!

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Originally Posted by cheese_diva View Post
I think part of the problem may be your approach. Stop putting down your idea before you even tell her. You aren't crazy for wanting a candy bar! It's just a relatively new idea for weddings and may not be something your FMIL has seen before. It's not tacky and when they're well put together they're beautiful. If I were you I would just share your excitement. She's less likely to rain on your parade.. well, then again she is a MIL.. :) but you wouldn't double check with a hall owner or a park if that's where you were having your AHR.. Do what you want as long as it's within your budget.
Im having it at her house, thats the whole problem. sad.gif
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Can you set the candy bar up outside? Just do what you want to do Sarah. So, it's their house so what! It's YOUR party!! Vent all you want sweetie we totally understand and you aren't being a bitch at all. I do agree with the other people about setting yourself up for her to hate it though. When you have an idea from here on out just tell her what it is... don't give her the option of calling you crazy.

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