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Because I know you've been waiting with baited breath..


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i must say, i LOVE abbie. it totally felt like we were just old friends catching up. and we arent just "cult friends" like trevor calls us anymore, because we've met in real life so our friendship "exists" as jose would say hahaha


we had so much fun just chatting and chilling out! i hope that we can do it again sometime, and that maybe someday i can make it out to seattle for a visit too cheesy.gif

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Originally Posted by nikkianddean View Post
I think we should plan a group trip to see Maura! That is so cool that you are meeting other people on the forum! I love building community!!!
Originally Posted by LadyCheese View Post
I want to meet Maura too!! LOL, I better start saving my miles now...Ive always wanted to visit the "windy city".
haha y'all can come visit whenever you want! (except july 12 and august 9 because i will be getting hitched!)

i am so pumped to hang with rebecca next week. we've met before and we had such fun! if any of you are ever in town, be sure to shoot me a message so we can meet up! my FI thinks im a weirdo for having internet friends but i was just telling him over dinner that he would never understand because its a bride thing and he should just be thankful i have you girls here to express all my problems, concerns, etc about the wedding, or else id talk his ear off and he wouldnt wanna get married anymore hahapokestick.gif
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