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Starfish Passing Thread

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actually, after reading this thread, I would love to buy another clear starfish - and because I'm not getting married until 05/05/2012, it will have plenty of travel time before my date. hockymom, I am amazed at the coincidence between us both wanting to purchase a starfish and our dates. is there any way I could convince you to be the first to carry the new starfish? I can order it from the vendor today and have it shipped directly to you so it would still be something borrowed. please let me know. 


karla (or past brides), what did the original notebook look like? I want to choose one that's similar to it. thank you.


Originally Posted by hockeymom97 View Post

I know I posted that I was going to possibly purchase a new starfish to keep the the dc22173 clear stafish thread going, however I wanted to let you all know that I won't be doing this. Luckily a very dear friend has offered to let me borrow hers instead and I know that I just won't have time to keep track of a starfish once we get back from our wedding so I don't want to start something I know I can't finish. Just wanted to let you all know in case someone else wants to buy a new one to keep the dc22173 list going. I still think this is a great idea and hopefully someone will keep the starfish traveling :)


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awesome!! thanks, mochamakes3!! it sounds like hockeymom already has a plan in place, so if you would, please PM me your address, and I'll order the starfish to be directly shipped to you unless hockeymom wants it instead. I'll wait to hear back from her before ordering.


any ideas what this notebook of well-wishes looks like?


Originally Posted by mochamakes3 View Post

kellygrrrl, if you don't send your starfish to hockeymom, I would love to be the first bride to use your starfish. Maybe we could even set up an online blog to track it's travels. Our wedding is April 22nd, and our travel dates are April 16 to April 27.





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Yay! It's so great to have this work out.  I had been hoping to be on a list and now I can be the first!


kellygrrl's clear starfish:


Username/Bride Wedding Date Departure Return
Mochamakes3 April 22, 2011 April 16, 2011 April 27, 2011
kellygrrl (Original Bride) May 5, 2012    


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ok, sorry for the quick back and forth here. it doesn't appear the previous vendor http://www.bouquetjewels.com/ is still carrying the same 'star of the sea' jewel, though they do have a sale on the remaining sand colored starfish if anyone is interested: http://www.bouquetjewels.com/product_p/star%20of%20the%20sea.htm. they are also carrying a skinnier hawaiian beach collection starfish - again if anyone is interested http://www.bouquetjewels.com/product_p/starfish.htm.  


because the thread originated around the 'star of the sea,' I found it on another site http://store.thebridalbox.net/bjstarfish.html. in the meantime, mochamakes3 PMed me her address, which was in canada (I'm in texas). the store not only offered to ship directly to canada for only $6 US but when I mentioned that her wedding was only a few weeks away, they dug through their supply and found a clear one in stock (they had previously thought they'd be waiting on a shipment until mid-next week). I figured it was a sign that mochamakes3 was due to have a sparkly starfish in time for her wedding and put through the order ASAP. hockeymom, I do apologize, but it sounds as though you had other plans. I really hope it's ok.


SO now picking up where dc22173, the CLEAR starfish thread will be continued as below. ChristieAnn, sorry, but your dates are too close to other ceremonies to be added, and NurseM you have been added. I think you mentioned someone else had been left off - please let me know. also, if upcoming brides can please be sure to update with their current city and state (so we can plan for sending across borders), that would be great.


please keep us up-to-date with the condition of the starfish, as that seems to be an issue after numerous voyages. ; ) finally, mochamakes3 will be adding a travel journal and will send with the starfish to NurseM after her wedding.



kellygrrrl's CLEAR starfish lineup (taking over for dc22173):


Mochamakes3 – April 16 – April 27, 2011, Moon Palace, living in Ontario, Canada

NurseM – May 18 – 26, 2011, Dreams Cancun, living in ???

Adales – June 3 – June 13 – this is probably not enough time to get the starfish to Susanna, but please PM her and check?

Amara3CUS – July17 – 31, Cancun, MX ** Please contact both the bride before you and after you to make sure this update is ok!

ChristieAnn – apologies, but dates do not work, as you are leaving 7/31 and returning 8/10

Mallory57 - Aug 11-21, 2011, Moon Dance Cliffs, Negril, Jamaica, living in ???

JoanneIreland - September 1st - 17th 2011, Riviera Maya, Mexico ** Please contact both the bride before you and after you to make sure this update is ok!

Kathie - October 14 – 29, 2011, Aruba, living in??

JayKay – January 6-21, 2012, Montego Bay, Jamaica, living in??

05/05/2012 *** RETIRING TO ORIGINAL OWNER *** kellygrrrl – May 1 – May 15, 2012, the Royal Playa del Carmen, living in Austin, Texas


If you would like to join this CLEAR starfish list, please post in this thread with all of this info:

1) That you would like to join 'kellygrrrl's CLEAR starfish line-up'

2) Your travel dates

3) Wedding Location                                     

4) Location where the starfish will be sent (US or Canada/other countries)


It is your responsibility to get the info of the bride on the list after you, and send the starfish and journal on in a timely manner. Please do not disappoint the brides after you by committing to this if you don't think you will send it off in time.

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lisadias, my blue starfish is now officially in travel to Canada to you!!


Joanne's BLUE Star Fish





WHO Where When
lisadias ? April 22nd - April 30th 2011
mrsrice ? June 11 - ?
mrssylvester2b            Turks & Caicos            

August 6th - August 13th 2011      

spaterson ? May 18th 2012


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Nurse M living in New Orleans LA

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

ok, sorry for the quick back and forth here. it doesn't appear the previous vendor http://www.bouquetjewels.com/ is still carrying the same 'star of the sea' jewel, though they do have a sale on the remaining sand colored starfish if anyone is interested: http://www.bouquetjewels.com/product_p/star%20of%20the%20sea.htm. they are also carrying a skinnier hawaiian beach collection starfish - again if anyone is interested http://www.bouquetjewels.com/product_p/starfish.htm.  


because the thread originated around the 'star of the sea,' I found it on another site http://store.thebridalbox.net/bjstarfish.html. in the meantime, mochamakes3 PMed me her address, which was in canada (I'm in texas). the store not only offered to ship directly to canada for only $6 US but when I mentioned that her wedding was only a few weeks away, they dug through their supply and found a clear one in stock (they had previously thought they'd be waiting on a shipment until mid-next week). I figured it was a sign that mochamakes3 was due to have a sparkly starfish in time for her wedding and put through the order ASAP. hockeymom, I do apologize, but it sounds as though you had other plans. I really hope it's ok.


SO now picking up where dc22173, the CLEAR starfish thread will be continued as below. ChristieAnn, sorry, but your dates are too close to other ceremonies to be added, and NurseM you have been added. I think you mentioned someone else had been left off - please let me know. also, if upcoming brides can please be sure to update with their current city and state (so we can plan for sending across borders), that would be great.


please keep us up-to-date with the condition of the starfish, as that seems to be an issue after numerous voyages. ; ) finally, mochamakes3 will be adding a travel journal and will send with the starfish to NurseM after her wedding.



kellygrrrl's CLEAR starfish lineup (taking over for dc22173):


Mochamakes3 – April 16 – April 27, 2011, Moon Palace, living in Ontario, Canada

NurseM – May 18 – 26, 2011, Dreams Cancun, living in ???

Adales – June 3 – June 13 – this is probably not enough time to get the starfish to Susanna, but please PM her and check?

Amara3CUS – July17 – 31, Cancun, MX ** Please contact both the bride before you and after you to make sure this update is ok!

ChristieAnn – apologies, but dates do not work, as you are leaving 7/31 and returning 8/10

Mallory57 - Aug 11-21, 2011, Moon Dance Cliffs, Negril, Jamaica, living in ???

JoanneIreland - September 1st - 17th 2011, Riviera Maya, Mexico ** Please contact both the bride before you and after you to make sure this update is ok!

Kathie - October 14 – 29, 2011, Aruba, living in??

JayKay – January 6-21, 2012, Montego Bay, Jamaica, living in??

05/05/2012 *** RETIRING TO ORIGINAL OWNER *** kellygrrrl – May 1 – May 15, 2012, the Royal Playa del Carmen, living in Austin, Texas


If you would like to join this CLEAR starfish list, please post in this thread with all of this info:

1) That you would like to join 'kellygrrrl's CLEAR starfish line-up'

2) Your travel dates

3) Wedding Location                                     

4) Location where the starfish will be sent (US or Canada/other countries)


It is your responsibility to get the info of the bride on the list after you, and send the starfish and journal on in a timely manner. Please do not disappoint the brides after you by committing to this if you don't think you will send it off in time.


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I live in Alberta Canada.

Originally Posted by kellygrrrl View Post

ok, sorry for the quick back and forth here. it doesn't appear the previous vendor http://www.bouquetjewels.com/ is still carrying the same 'star of the sea' jewel, though they do have a sale on the remaining sand colored starfish if anyone is interested: http://www.bouquetjewels.com/product_p/star%20of%20the%20sea.htm. they are also carrying a skinnier hawaiian beach collection starfish - again if anyone is interested http://www.bouquetjewels.com/product_p/starfish.htm.  


because the thread originated around the 'star of the sea,' I found it on another site http://store.thebridalbox.net/bjstarfish.html. in the meantime, mochamakes3 PMed me her address, which was in canada (I'm in texas). the store not only offered to ship directly to canada for only $6 US but when I mentioned that her wedding was only a few weeks away, they dug through their supply and found a clear one in stock (they had previously thought they'd be waiting on a shipment until mid-next week). I figured it was a sign that mochamakes3 was due to have a sparkly starfish in time for her wedding and put through the order ASAP. hockeymom, I do apologize, but it sounds as though you had other plans. I really hope it's ok.


SO now picking up where dc22173, the CLEAR starfish thread will be continued as below. ChristieAnn, sorry, but your dates are too close to other ceremonies to be added, and NurseM you have been added. I think you mentioned someone else had been left off - please let me know. also, if upcoming brides can please be sure to update with their current city and state (so we can plan for sending across borders), that would be great.


please keep us up-to-date with the condition of the starfish, as that seems to be an issue after numerous voyages. ; ) finally, mochamakes3 will be adding a travel journal and will send with the starfish to NurseM after her wedding.



kellygrrrl's CLEAR starfish lineup (taking over for dc22173):


Mochamakes3 – April 16 – April 27, 2011, Moon Palace, living in Ontario, Canada

NurseM – May 18 – 26, 2011, Dreams Cancun, living in ???

Adales – June 3 – June 13 – this is probably not enough time to get the starfish to Susanna, but please PM her and check?

Amara3CUS – July17 – 31, Cancun, MX ** Please contact both the bride before you and after you to make sure this update is ok!

ChristieAnn – apologies, but dates do not work, as you are leaving 7/31 and returning 8/10

Mallory57 - Aug 11-21, 2011, Moon Dance Cliffs, Negril, Jamaica, living in ???

JoanneIreland - September 1st - 17th 2011, Riviera Maya, Mexico ** Please contact both the bride before you and after you to make sure this update is ok!

Kathie - October 14 – 29, 2011, Aruba, living in??

JayKay – January 6-21, 2012, Montego Bay, Jamaica, living in??

05/05/2012 *** RETIRING TO ORIGINAL OWNER *** kellygrrrl – May 1 – May 15, 2012, the Royal Playa del Carmen, living in Austin, Texas


If you would like to join this CLEAR starfish list, please post in this thread with all of this info:

1) That you would like to join 'kellygrrrl's CLEAR starfish line-up'

2) Your travel dates

3) Wedding Location                                     

4) Location where the starfish will be sent (US or Canada/other countries)


It is your responsibility to get the info of the bride on the list after you, and send the starfish and journal on in a timely manner. Please do not disappoint the brides after you by committing to this if you don't think you will send it off in time.


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