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Alesse Birth Control Pill


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Hey Girls, are any of you on the Alesse birth control pill? My doctor just switched me to it. I had been on Diane 35 for years, not for my skin, but for other advantages of it. I know the US docs are not as fond of that one, but they don't have as much of a problem with it in Canada. That said, my doctor said we might as well change my prescription, since I didn't need it for my skin. We talked about Alesse and Yazmin, and she recommended Alesse for me. I haven't started the prescription yet, so I'm hoping to get some feedback first from anyone on the forum who's using Alesse. Anyone have any comments?

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sadly, sherry, i have to let you know that alesse gave me suicidal thoughts. not serious ones where i ever wouldve hurt myself for real, but nonetheless. as soon as i stopped taking it 3 years ago, the thoughts stopped completely within a week of quitting taking it.

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I've taken Alesse for several years now. Last year, at this time, my period starting messing up after being so predictable down to the time, so I thought that was a sign i needed to switch. I have been on 4 other BC's since last year and have recently gone back to Alesse. The dose is low, so its suppoded to make you have lighter periods, which mine always only lasted about two days. I took Seasonale, which you are only supposed to have 4 periods/year, but I was a raging bitch while on that one, as well as Yaz in which I cried all the time. I then switched to Loestrin 24 in which my period was pretty much nonexistent, which I loved, but I would have PMS symptoms all through the month, they weren't bad, but it was annoying and there is not a generic for that one, so it was expensive even with insurance. So here I am, back on Alesse. I've just been back on it a month, but so far so good! Also, with the others, I felt like my sex drive was down, and my sex drive is never down! I'm back to myself now...haha

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