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Kathy Ireland loves Puerto Vallarta too!

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This is an article I came across (from 2002) about Kathy Ireland and what she does when she is in PV for weekend getaways. It says a lot when someone who has travelled everywhere keeps going back to PV! I want to go now! crybaby2.gif


American Way Magazine - Trends for the Modern Traveler / Travel



On the eve of the release of her first book, Powerful Inspirations, the former- cover-girl-turned-conglomerate tells us what inspires her about this Relax-ing Mexican resort.


This model isnâ€t what she seems. Thatâ€s according to national gossip columnist Liz Smith, who says Kathy Ireland, once a staple on magazine covers worldwide, most famously the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues, has transformed herself from supermodel to supermogul. Her company, Kathy Ireland Worldwide (visit Kathy ireland), is a billion-dollar business, producing clothing, carpeting, furniture, watches, and exercise equipment for the woman Kathy Ireland has also become: a working mom. (Her lineâ€s hallmark is affordable prices, comfortable design, and the ability to endure wear, tear, spills, and stains.) This month, Ireland expands her empire into publishing with the release of her book, Powerful Inspirations, in which she shares eight revelations that empowered her to break out of modeling and into big business. When she gets time for a getaway, the 39-year-old California resident and her husband pack up their two kids and head for Puerto Vallarta, a once-sleepy fishing village that has since become a favored resort on the Mexican coastline. Ireland fell in love with the city first through the travel tales of her grandfather, then on multiple modeling and TV assignments, and, finally, as a wife and mother. Hereâ€s a weekend with Kathy Ireland in Puerto Vallarta, where ancient architecture and vibrant colors inspire her designs and whose beaches and solitude provide her some much needed downtime.





“Thereâ€s such a variety of places to stay, from very family-friendly-priced places to luxurious fantasy vacations. A few weeks ago, we stayed at the Four Seasons in Punta Mita. We had our children, and my mom and dad came along. My husband and I had a romantic candlelit dinner on the beach. The Four Seasons has an incredible spa. The masseuses are so strong. One of them told me their secret was all the chocolate they ate. In Puerto Vallarta, the Hotel La Jolla is very moderately priced and wonderful. Itâ€s convenient to everything — shops, beaches, all the points of interest — and itâ€s got such charm. Another place is Costa Azul, where your meals are included. Itâ€s very family-friendly and has all of the activities. Itâ€s about 30 minutes from the main town. If youâ€re looking for a villa, Casa Demae overlooks the ocean, has a great infinity pool, a staff, and itâ€s big enough for six couples or three families.”



“Café des Artistes is a must. Everything the chef, Thierry Blouet, does is a work of art. If I could only eat one thing, it would be the chicken poblano and the soufflé from Café des Artistes. The setting is so romantic, with secluded dining patios overlooking the outdoors. They put on fashion shows with local models wearing local clothing while youâ€re dining. The restaurant was such an inspiration that we tried to duplicate its look and feel in our showroom in North Carolina. The restaurant now includes Gallery des Artistes, where you can buy beautiful art from all different periods, all different genres, all different artists.”



“After dinner, Puerto Vallarta is a wonderful place to just walk around. Thereâ€s the Southern Hotel Zone, the Northern Hotel Zone, and then thereâ€s Viejo Vallarta, or Old Vallarta. Viejo Vallarta is divided down its center by the Rio Cuale Island. Itâ€s just a sliver of land in the middle of the river. Thereâ€s this beautiful botanical garden and open-air shops and restaurants. And you see these cobblestone streets and stucco houses with red-tile roofs and wrought-iron balconies spilling over with the tropical flowers. Thereâ€s also the Malecon, a seaside walkway. You can walk along and find people selling things, and you can watch the sunset and just experience the people."





“At the Pancake House, you can get an American-style breakfast. It just has a really charming Mexican feel with an American influence. I remember there being lots of flowers there.”



“Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton had such a tremendous influence on Puerto Vallarta. They put it on the map and brought such glamour and intrigue. Casa Kimberley is Taylor and Burtonâ€s former home. For privacy, they had two separate houses connected by this beautiful pink bridge. You can go and take a tour; itâ€s really something to see. It has some beautiful touches. The other standout is the Church of Guadalupe. Itâ€s got the crown that tops the church and the sculptures, including the little boy on a seahorse. Inside, the church is just gorgeous, a beautiful landmark.”



“Coming from California, where youâ€re dealing with the crowds, I find the surfing here just heavenly. The water is so warm and you donâ€t need a wet suit. There are different levels of surf. My son learned on this last trip. We found a beach that had very forgiving waves, very gentle with a nice sandy bottom. Thereâ€s a place called Las Olas, which means ‘waves†in Spanish, and itâ€s a surf camp for women. You have to be at least 9 years old, but then you can be 90 or 100 and you can go out there and surf. You sleep in bungalows and everything is included: breakfast, lessons, lunch, massages. Theyâ€ve got hiking and jewelry-making classes, too. Itâ€s run by a woman named Izzy Tahanyi, who has taught more than 7,000 women to surf. There are two Los Arcos [rocky arches in the ocean], the manmade one and the natural one. The natural one is an incredible place to dive. Thereâ€s a shallow, protected area thatâ€s great for the inexperienced diver or snorkeler. But itâ€s also got this 800-foot underwater cliff thatâ€s really rich in sea life. Iâ€ve been diving most of my life, and I just love it there.”



“I love the street vendors for their miniature tacos, quesadillas, burritos, and tostados. Le Bistro, on the Rio Cuale Island right in the center of town, is a great place for lunch. You walk to it on these suspension bridges that connect the island to the mainland. The children love to bounce on the bridge as youâ€re walking along. At Le Bistro, you can listen to jazz music. Itâ€s got a great ambience and really good food.”



“Jewelry is fun to buy here. But you want to be careful. If itâ€s supposed to be silver, look for a small stamp that says ‘.925.†Otherwise, you might be getting silver-covered copper. I got some beautiful jewelry from a place called Jades Maya, downtown. Galeria Pacifico has local Mexican artists and up-and-coming artists. At the Mercado Municipal, there are stands and booths and stalls where you can watch people make the art in front of you. Maria De Guadalajara is a clothing store. The owner is a designer, and her clothes are mix-and-match, one-size-fits-all casual wear. She uses beautiful colors and easy-to-care-for fabrics. At Yolanda Tradicional, you can get hand-embroidered clothing, as well as cute bikinis and gifts. For handmade huarache sandals, thereâ€s Huaracheria Lety. If you donâ€t find the color or style you want, theyâ€ll make it for you.”



“For kids, thereâ€s a dolphin encounter near Puerto Vallarta where you can swim with the dolphins and learn about these animals. Thereâ€s also a water park called Splash that has a dolphin and a sea lion show. During the winter, there are whale-watching tours to see the humpbacks. All of the different hotels have information about that. Thereâ€s also a sea turtle preservation program with pens for the incubating eggs to make sure that they are able to grow and hatch without being disturbed. Youâ€ll see the sea turtles on your dives, which is wonderful. Whether youâ€re in Puerto Vallarta or out in Punta Mita, there are beautiful hiking trails all over, with tropical birds and a variety of plants.”



“La Palapa is on the Playa los Muertos beach. You listen to live guitar music at night. Los Arbolitos has homemade tortillas, Mexican food, and seafood, and they serve these giant margaritas. Itâ€s a casual, family-run cafe overlooking the river and the bridge. The Adobe Cafe serves gourmet Mexican food, pasta, and fresh fish. Itâ€s elegant and casual at the same time.”





“Don Pedroâ€s is a restaurant in a small town outside of Puerto Vallarta called Sayulita, where we go to surf. Itâ€s a really cute fishing village with wonderful shops and galleries. Don Pedroâ€s is right on the beach. You get the best view of the ocean there and you can watch the fishermen bringing in their catch of the day, which they serve right there at the restaurant. The food is incredible.”




“On this last trip, my husband and I were out surfing, sitting on our boards off of Punta Mita beach. It was so relaxing and so peaceful watching the sun set over the water. The Puerto Vallarta sunsets are just breathtaking. Weâ€d been in the water for about three hours and then the sky went from yellow to golden to bright orange. Then the water looked like fire, like lava. The ocean there has this silky feeling to it. It was just awe-inspiring to see the beauty unfolding right in front of me. It reminded me of something my grandmother would always tell me, that no two sunsets are alike. Itâ€s like each night God is doing his artwork and making a painting for us.”



Mark Seal is an American Way contributing editor whose work has also appeared in Vanity Fair, Esquire, Playboy, Time, and Town & Country.

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