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Nov 08 brides


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Supposedly there is a pill that is almost passed that boosts your metabolism, and gives you energy to help you get up and exercise!!! I heard about it at work the other night. How great would that be?!?!

Hmmmm......the pill isn't out yet, so I guess I better get off the comp and do something around here while I wait for Justin to wake up! Oops, to late, I think I hear him now! I may be back with pics later tonight!

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That pill sounds awesome. I could really use some energy, i've been so beat lately.


I'm going to start waking up early, starting tomorrow and do the elliptical before work. I keep putting it off because i'm tired but I can't anymore. Plus Operation Hottie is in effect and i can't dissapoint any of my fellow hottie members wink.gif

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Ok so here is a pic of my legal day dress and some pics of some of the beading that my Mom and I have done on my dress and Hailey's dress. We still have more to do, but it is actually a quick job when you find the time to sit down and do some.

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This is the beading that Mom did at the top of my dress


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This is the beading that she did on the back of my dress on the train


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This is the beading that I have done so far on Hailey's dress. I still have to cut the thread ends off!


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Here is my Legal Day Dress! I will have pics with me wearing it from our legal day ceremony.

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Hmmm, for some reason my dress pic keeps coming out sideways even though I have tried turning it several times in photobucket. It shows up upright there, but everytime I post it, it is still sideways. Oh well, sorry about that. You will just have to crank your neck a bit to see it properly I guess. LOL

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BEAUTIFUL beading!! I love the extra bling!! Your Legal Day dress is cute!! Don't you love it when you can wear it for something else?


I am going to call my doctor and see if she can prescribe me something to help with Operation Hottie!



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