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Nov 08 brides


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celina, i can't believe that about your AHR. how RUDE!! I'd be so mad at those no show people.


We also started some home stuff, now that the wedding is over. Just some painting and christmas decorating, but it's still kinda fun!

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Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Here is our thread! I swear - I've been in LaLa Land lately! (Say that 6 times while having bananna mudslides) he he!

So our photographer sucked and we got his assistant and didnt get any pictures because his assistant was so concerned with getting his $10 per person sunset photos with the rest of the hotel and he kind of just quit taking our pictures at sunset.

The actual photographer who we thought we were going to see didn't show up until the day we met to get the pictures. What a CHUMP!! SO - I have very few pics of me and DH.

What have you all been up to? smile03.gif

What are we going to do with ourselves now that our weddings are over?

My AHR was a flop - we had 70 guests who RSVP'd who did not show. That sucked.

I'm glad it's all over. I want to start doing some home improvement projects (painting) and I want to buy a king size bed! (bow-chicka-wow-wow) S&M.gif
Celina, I can't believe you had 70 no show guests! I was pissed off about the 1 we had in Mexico. I still can't believe what happened with your photographer.

Tara/Celina - Good luck on your home improvement projects.

We just got our pro pics on Thursday and they turned out awesome!
I am really happy with them and so glad we paid the extra moolah to hire an outside photographer and did a TTD shoot. We had so much doing that and were able to get some nice shots and some goofy ones because Mike and I are like big kids. It took forever and a day to upload them to shutterfly so I could order our thank you and Christmas cards. I started to upload them to flickr so I could just post the link on here, but it kept timing out on me. I will try to get them up there soon since I'm not sure I'm going to renew my subscription with flickr. Does anyone have any recommendations for a free upload site aside from photobucket?

I am almost done making photobooks for our families and my two friends that stood up for Christmas. I'm also making one for us. I don't think I ever want to make a photobook again! Ha ha!

Aside from that, Mike and I started the process of looking for houses in AZ (online anyway). We got in contact with a mortgage lender and realtor this week. We are flying out there in January to check out some properties in person, and depending on what we find we will determine when we move. I'm a little nervous because we have never bought a house before and it is a big purchase and second I'm concerned about the security of my job. We had a meeting on Tuesday that they have put all recruitment on hold so basically I have nothing to do right now. I had one side project I needed to finish up, but other than that nothing. They are supposed to assign some other projects to us soon to keep us busy, but they haven't given us a timeline for when we will be able to start recruiting again. They already went through two lay offs in our group over the past couple months and I know if things stay slow they will need to lay off more people and they said so. We also are probably not going to get merit increases or bonuses in March and this is the first year that I was really counting on both considering we might be buying a house and moving cross country! Mike is still waiting for a position to open up in AZ so he can formally request his transfer, but nothing has happened with that yet. I can work from home in AZ with my current company and that is the only way we can secure a home loan right now since I have confirmed employment in AZ. If I get laid off I don't think we will be able to buy a house, let alone move right now. I have always wanted to move out west and so has Mike and I'm afraid if we don't do it now we never will so I have been stressing out the past couple of days. I'm just hoping the work situation is temporary, but you never know with how the economy has been. Wish me luck girls!
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Michelle, I cant believe we both had Citlalli and didnt know it!! That is hilarious! I love your siggy pic. Cant wait to see more! Where in Arizona are you moving, my Uncle is selling his house in Glendale? I love love love Arizona, can I come visit?


Celina, WTF is up with your guests, jerks!!! They deserve coal this Christimas.


Sorry I have been absent but I have been sick and I started a new job on Monday, yeah!


I hope you all are doing well!

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Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
Michelle, I cant believe we both had Citlalli and didnt know it!! That is hilarious! I love your siggy pic. Cant wait to see more! Where in Arizona are you moving, my Uncle is selling his house in Glendale? I love love love Arizona, can I come visit?

Celina, WTF is up with your guests, jerks!!! They deserve coal this Christimas.

Sorry I have been absent but I have been sick and I started a new job on Monday, yeah!

I hope you all are doing well!
You could totally come visit. We'll be somewhere in the east valley, not exactly sure where yet as we'll figure that out when/if we still go in January to look at places.
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Tara - what are you painting?


Michelle - wow - that is a lot to have on your plate. I'm sure things will get better soon. HEY - Tara is in AZ too! We are going to Arizona in March by the way. Hmmm...maybe me and Tara can hook up then for lunch or something - that would be cool!


I love your siggy pic too Michelle.


Steph - what new job did you start? I'm anxious to hear!

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Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
New job started Monday. Since I had to retire from my love, being a police officer. I decided I still wanted to be in the public service field. So I got hired by an agency who dispatches for 7 area police departments and fire departments.
That is great that you still get to work in the industry that you love even though it is not as a police officer. Best of luck to you!!
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