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Nov 08 brides


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celina i can't wait to see your dress!


so i had my supposed final fitting last night. Only problem was that they didn't do anything about the madonna boobs! So now I go back in 2 weeks for my final fitting, and then go back the next week - 2 days before we depart for mexico - to pick up my dress. I am trying to be OK with this. I am one of those people that shows up to appointments at least 30 minutes early. I do not like being rushed/late. So.... I really hope I can let myself not freakout about my dress, and pray that everything turns out perfectly when I go back in 2 weeks.


Oh but on a plus note, I got that pearl necklace and I am in love with it! I wore it to my fitting last night and it is PERFECT with my dress. YEAYYYY!!

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Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
Danielle your dress is gorgeous.. and you look fabulous in it!!
Awww Thanks Lisa

Originally Posted by sdnative222 View Post
I have a "pre-wedding information" letter that I've sent out in the mail this week and a "thank you for coming to Maui" letter that I'll include in the welcome bags in Maui. The welcome letter just says, "thank you for making the long trip to Maui to share this special time with us"

Here's a pic of the pre-wedding that I printed on vellum paper and cut down and pasted to lavender paper.
Click the image to open in full size.
Great letter. I also did a packing brochure and called it "Packing for Paradise" Great minds think alike!

Originally Posted by EricaG View Post
I got the cake topper from ebay. It will look great on the cake if we end up having the beach reception since it won't start until 6:30-ish.

My Mom has started making my TTD dress, and it started off with the intent to make it look like my actual wedding dress, but now it is going to be totally different. I can't wait for it to be done.

Danielle - You look great in your dress. I am so glad to see pics of it. There were a few times that I have had similar thoughts, but then as soon as I try it on or start looking at other dresses, I remember why I love it so much.

I got our Hepatitis vaccines the other day, and I gave them to all of us. Yup, that's right....I even poked myself. My Mom is a nurse too and doesn't think she could poke herself. I was pretty impressed with myself, as it didn't hurt at all!!! LMAO!!!

Everyone has great welcome letters. I still have to finish our welcome books, but I am waiting for a few more pics, and making sure that there are no more surprise guests coming. I just found out that if my Aunt & Uncles trip to Mexico falls through, they are coming to the wedding.
Dam Erica people keep adding on to your group. I cant believe more people keep coming when you are so close to the date. the more the merrier.

glad you like my dress.

I cant wait to see your TTD. I wasnt going to get a Hepatitis shot because it's not required in the US. Do you think i should?

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Thanks for the compliments on the brochure! I have been told several times the past few weeks that I am very detail oriented. My MOH asked me yesterday after I told her I want us to "Wig-Out" for my Bach party; She was like, "Where do you come up with all of this stuff??" I told her - Oh my friends on BDW! We were on the phone and I swear, I could hear her shaking her head! LOL!

Okay - so I go tomorrow to pick up my dress. I am SO EXCITED!! It will be the first time I've had it on where it actually fits. I am going to try to get some pics with my old camera so FI doesn't see it. If all goes well, I'll be dropping the bag in the mail to Tara. elefant.gif

I plan on packing OOT bag stuff this weekend and dying my hair. FI and I went to the video store last night and I rented "Made of Honor" to get me a little in the mood! haha!

OKAY - I forgot to tell you, one of my BM's told me that she went to someone's house and they had this basket with towels in it and it had all of these starfish on it. She said they were white but had little rhinestones all over them! Of course I fell in love with the idea so now I think I am going to accessorize all of my baskets for my AHR with these lovely starfish that I can glue little rhinestone thingeys on. Doesn't that sound great??
You should definately do a Wig out party they look like so much fun from other girls pics. How was "Made of Honor"? i have to rent it to get me in the mood too. How exciting your picking up your dress!!! and the basket sounds beautiful perfect for the DW.
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Tara and Joe Leave on 10.30.08 and get married on 11.2.08


Danielle and Derek Leave 11/1/08 Get Married On 11/6/08


Lisa and Jayson leave on 11/2/08 and Get Married On 11/5/08


Stephanie and RJ leave on 11/3 and Get Married on 11/8/08


Mike & Michelle leave on 11/4/08 and get married on 11/7/08


Celina and Shawn leave on 11/5/08 and Get Married on 11/8/08


Jocelynn & Shawn leave on 11/5/08 and get married on 11/8/08


Amy and Greg leave on 11/21/08 and get married on 11/27/08


Shelley and Dave leave on 11/22/08 and Get Married on 11/25/08


Melissa and Kendall leave on 11/24 and Get Married on 11/28


Erica & Larry leave on 11/27 and get Married on 11/30

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Hey ladies!


Danielle, you look fabulous! That dress is gorgeous!


I am heading off in a few minutes for my first dress fitting. Dont think too much needs to be done.


Celina, I love your welcome letter! Love all the colors!! Great job!!


I have my shower next sat, Oct 18. Very excited!


I dont remember who said it but I agree, it will suck to not be able to send happy wedding day wishes to you all!! But know I will be thinking about you guys!!

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Little alterations needed means little cost. i go for my last fitting Oct 27th. it doesnt really need anything else done unless i lose a lot-a lot of weight but it's a lace up back so still should be okay.


Wooohooo i'm so excited i'm leaving work in a half hour and 2morrow is my bachlorette party. which reminds me i have to make sure i bring my camera with me

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
You should definately do a Wig out party they look like so much fun from other girls pics. How was "Made of Honor"? i have to rent it to get me in the mood too. How exciting your picking up your dress!!! and the basket sounds beautiful perfect for the DW.
I'll tell you how the movie is after we watch it this weekend. It is going to be cold and may snow on Sunday - perfect for veging out and watching videos.

Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
Hey ladies!

Danielle, you look fabulous! That dress is gorgeous!

I am heading off in a few minutes for my first dress fitting. Dont think too much needs to be done.

Celina, I love your welcome letter! Love all the colors!! Great job!!

I have my shower next sat, Oct 18. Very excited!

I dont remember who said it but I agree, it will suck to not be able to send happy wedding day wishes to you all!! But know I will be thinking about you guys!!
Thanks! I know, I llove Danielle's dress too. How cool on your shower! Gosh - I know that on our day Steph, you will absolutely be on my mind! We've been date twins forever!

Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
I am back from my fitting. No pics sorry ladies, I was alone and honestly just forgot the camera. Not too much needs to be done. Go to pick it up Oct 25. Woohoo!
That is awesome! Is yours a lace up back or strapless?

Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Little alterations needed means little cost. i go for my last fitting Oct 27th. it doesnt really need anything else done unless i lose a lot-a lot of weight but it's a lace up back so still should be okay.

Wooohooo i'm so excited i'm leaving work in a half hour and 2morrow is my bachlorette party. which reminds me i have to make sure i bring my camera with me
OMG Danielle that is awesome on your Bparty! You better take some pics! At least it wasn't a surprise! I'd hate to have had you running around again all primped up again! LOL!

ERICA - I am excited too to see your TTD dress!
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Danielle - The hepatitis shot isn't required here either, but it is recommended to get both A & B if travelling. The kids are getting Twinrix which is bot stains and Larry and I are just getting the Hep A since we already have the B one done. I would recommend getting it. It is better to be safe than sorry and it is good forever.

Twinrix (A&B) has 3 shots (first one, 1 month later and 6 months later) and the Havrix (A) has 2 shots (first one & 6 months later)

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