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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
OMG! Me too! So since you are a Bruce fan, I have to tell you a pretty funny story.

About 5 years ago I was my friends date to a wedding in a town about 3 hours from us. I didn't know a single soul, aside from my friend. We went to the ceremony and there was a pretty decent lapse in time between the ceremony and the reception at the VFW. Being from out of town and not having a place to go, naturally we went to the VFW early to get some drinks. Turns out the bartender was very friendly and let us drink for free until the reception started. Then the reception had free beer.

Ok you get the picture. Lots of beer.

After the necessary first dances my friend and I get onto the dance floor and befriend the DJ. Fast forward an hour or so. And I've got the DJ playing song after song of Bruce. Meanwhile I have his MIC and am running around the reception dragging these random people on to the dance floor so they can sing Bruce with me. I ended up getting a pretty good group! Ha! He played Glory Days... hm... at least 3 times! And I sang, very loudly and badly to each and every one.... in the microphone none the less

Ha, I was definitely "that girl" at that wedding!! Man, it was a good time!
lmao. That's a great story. Did ya make the wedding video? if ya did we need a copy of that.

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
OMG Danielle - my TA just called and asked if we wanted him to mail our docs or if we wanted to pick them up.

I said - drop those babies in the mail! Mexico - here we come!!!!!
I picked our group's up yesterday. Yayy one step closer to our destinations!
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so my personal computer... with all of my wedding stuff, music and pictures from the past 4 years... got the blue screen of death last night. i'm so pissed! my ipod isn't updated, my packing lists are on there, basically everything wedding related that i was waiting to print - all on the dead computer sad.gif

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Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
Oh, also forgot I ordered some earrings off of Etsy to wear on my wedding day. Here is a link to them Etsy :: kgarnerdesigns :: Pick Your Colors on Sterling Silver - Crystal Cluster Earrings

I got a clear crystal. They shipped on Sat. so I can't wait to see how they look! I don't think I'm going to wear a necklace..we'll see though. I may get a bracelet. What are you guys wearing??
This is a really old quote, but somehow I missed this the first time! Are you wearing a necklace with these earrings? I really like the earrings.

I can't decide on jewelry to save my life. So far I have 4 pairs of earrings and one necklace, and I can't decide on any of it!
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Oh no Tara! I swear when it rains it pours! That freakin' sucks. I am so sorry - maybe the Geek Squad can help?


My payroll people did not enter my overtime on my last paycheck. So I went in last Thursday and dropped off additional slips so they could have those hours too and get it all in on this next check. They told me to have them in by Monday morning. So I call 30 minutes ago and they didnt pick them up till yesterday AFTER they entered all the hours so they won't be on my check this Friday. I have over 20 hours and I know I am going to get taxed out the backside. When I called to make sure they included my hours and the payroll lady told me no I burst into tears.


How can people be so lazy and stupid? I am so mad. I scanned and sent the one person working over there all of my slips so hopefully she can get them entered before the two City agencies interface their networks. I am SO BEYOND MAD!


I told her I had wedding deposits to pay and things to do. It's bad enough they didn't get the hours added last time, but now it's been a month that they have screwed up. I hate them! Of course she had one excuse after another. blah.gif


We'll see what happens. Good news - my daughter's sash and flower for her dress came in. I have to pick up tomorrow. I've also got all my friends going out to buy wigs this weekend. Ha ha! My bach party is in two weeks! YIKES!!


Sorry for the vent and ramble. Well Steph, my Crocs were 1 size too small. I thought an 8 would work but the toe thing is rubbing weird on my toe so I have to exchange them. One of the GM's came by last night. His shirt was WAY too big for him. He has a weird body shape and we have to take in the shirt.

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Originally Posted by tvt View Post
so my personal computer... with all of my wedding stuff, music and pictures from the past 4 years... got the blue screen of death last night. i'm so pissed! my ipod isn't updated, my packing lists are on there, basically everything wedding related that i was waiting to print - all on the dead computer sad.gif
Like Danielle said, try taking it to geek squad. That really sucks! We had a pc with all our photos and documents on there that crashed and that is when we switched to mac. I had always used macs in college and loved them and haven't had any issues with it. Luckily, I had backed up the music I downloaded from itunes on CDs, but Mike didn't. They were able to give him some of his songs back, but not all of them. We were also able to get some of our pictures back, but we lost a lot. That was the worst, and having to redownload songs on our ipods from CDs. That took forever!

Originally Posted by tvt View Post
This is a really old quote, but somehow I missed this the first time! Are you wearing a necklace with these earrings? I really like the earrings.

I can't decide on jewelry to save my life. So far I have 4 pairs of earrings and one necklace, and I can't decide on any of it!
I thought you were wearing the pearls?

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Oh no Tara! I swear when it rains it pours! That freakin' sucks. I am so sorry - maybe the Geek Squad can help?

My payroll people did not enter my overtime on my last paycheck. So I went in last Thursday and dropped off additional slips so they could have those hours too and get it all in on this next check. They told me to have them in by Monday morning. So I call 30 minutes ago and they didnt pick them up till yesterday AFTER they entered all the hours so they won't be on my check this Friday. I have over 20 hours and I know I am going to get taxed out the backside. When I called to make sure they included my hours and the payroll lady told me no I burst into tears.

How can people be so lazy and stupid? I am so mad. I scanned and sent the one person working over there all of my slips so hopefully she can get them entered before the two City agencies interface their networks. I am SO BEYOND MAD!

I told her I had wedding deposits to pay and things to do. It's bad enough they didn't get the hours added last time, but now it's been a month that they have screwed up. I hate them! Of course she had one excuse after another. blah.gif

We'll see what happens. Good news - my daughter's sash and flower for her dress came in. I have to pick up tomorrow. I've also got all my friends going out to buy wigs this weekend. Ha ha! My bach party is in two weeks! YIKES!!

Sorry for the vent and ramble. Well Steph, my Crocs were 1 size too small. I thought an 8 would work but the toe thing is rubbing weird on my toe so I have to exchange them. One of the GM's came by last night. His shirt was WAY too big for him. He has a weird body shape and we have to take in the shirt.
Is there a payroll manager that you could speak with to make sure they get your OT paid out. That seems a bit ridiculous that it has taken this long.
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So I am a my Mom's and we are having our Thanksgiving supper tonight. Both my Mom and I can barely talk and laugh at each other when we try talking.


Thank you everyone! We are doing alright right now. Her funeral is on Sat so we are heading down on Thurs afternoon to help get everything ready. My aunt from BC is flying in on Thurs as well and then we are having a family supper on Fri.


So obviously I didn't get anything done wedding related, and it won't happen this weeken either. Next weekend is going to be a right off as well as it is my bach party. We are going paintballing, then supper, then who knows. Either to the bar or just back to my MOH's house. I am excited for that, even more now with everything that has happened. I got a phone call today to say that our sand ceremony is in. My Mom got it for me as a shower gift. I will pick it up when we go in for my bach party.

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Well...the $$ faries were looking over me and the payroll lady was able to get me entered. It was totally their fault - so she was obligated to do whatever she had to do. They are the ones that screwed up! I will now have some extra money that I've been working my butt off for come Friday! YAY!!


Erica, be careful with those paintballs! FI went and had a bruise on his stomach for months! I dont' want you having a bunch of bruises for the wedding!


The GM's wife ordered him a new shirt. So that was good. I hope it comes quick!


I love my MOH - but she sucks! She is not a planner and she is planning my bach party and she just doesn't have it together. The invites went out, but she is not as oranized as me so she will have these girls running around at the last minute. She expects everyone to call her and no one has. I think no one wants to step on her toes and she is just waiting for them. Ugh! Should I smack herhuh.gif smile105.gif


I emailed the spa to get a hair appointment for the wedding. Hopefully they will get back soon.


Jessica where are you? We need an update! Steph I didn't take a pic of my hair because it isn't THAT noticible of a color change. A little more brown. That's it! PLUS - I still don't know how to work our new camera. I am SO BUMMED - I have to return the movies and I never even got a chance to watch Made of Honor! Dang I suck!!

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Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post

I thought you were wearing the pearls?
Ha! You and me both! I can't decide!

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Well...the $$ faries were looking over me and the payroll lady was able to get me entered. It was totally their fault - so she was obligated to do whatever she had to do. They are the ones that screwed up! I will now have some extra money that I've been working my butt off for come Friday! YAY!!

Erica, be careful with those paintballs! FI went and had a bruise on his stomach for months! I dont' want you having a bunch of bruises for the wedding!

The GM's wife ordered him a new shirt. So that was good. I hope it comes quick!

I love my MOH - but she sucks! She is not a planner and she is planning my bach party and she just doesn't have it together. The invites went out, but she is not as oranized as me so she will have these girls running around at the last minute. She expects everyone to call her and no one has. I think no one wants to step on her toes and she is just waiting for them. Ugh! Should I smack herhuh.gif smile105.gif
That's good about payroll bad bad about your MOH. Is she married?
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Originally Posted by EricaG View Post
So I am a my Mom's and we are having our Thanksgiving supper tonight. Both my Mom and I can barely talk and laugh at each other when we try talking.

Thank you everyone! We are doing alright right now. Her funeral is on Sat so we are heading down on Thurs afternoon to help get everything ready. My aunt from BC is flying in on Thurs as well and then we are having a family supper on Fri.

So obviously I didn't get anything done wedding related, and it won't happen this weeken either. Next weekend is going to be a right off as well as it is my bach party. We are going paintballing, then supper, then who knows. Either to the bar or just back to my MOH's house. I am excited for that, even more now with everything that has happened. I got a phone call today to say that our sand ceremony is in. My Mom got it for me as a shower gift. I will pick it up when we go in for my bach party.
When I read this I was wondering why you were celebrating Thanksgiving so early, but then I remembered your in Canada! I'm a little slow! You are a brave girl to be going paintballing.

Originally Posted by SoontobeMrsE View Post
Well...the $$ faries were looking over me and the payroll lady was able to get me entered. It was totally their fault - so she was obligated to do whatever she had to do. They are the ones that screwed up! I will now have some extra money that I've been working my butt off for come Friday! YAY!!

The GM's wife ordered him a new shirt. So that was good. I hope it comes quick!

I love my MOH - but she sucks! She is not a planner and she is planning my bach party and she just doesn't have it together. The invites went out, but she is not as oranized as me so she will have these girls running around at the last minute. She expects everyone to call her and no one has. I think no one wants to step on her toes and she is just waiting for them. Ugh! Should I smack herhuh.gif smile105.gif
I'm so glad you are getting your money! Hopefully everything works out with the MOH and bach party. Don't smack her yet, maybe she'll come through. If not, smack away! Ha ha!

Originally Posted by tvt View Post
Ha! You and me both! I can't decide!
I went through 3 pairs of earrings myself before I finally made a decision. I;m sure whatever you choose will be beautiful!

So I got an email back about my cake topper. Apparently, when I went to pay the deposit someone else must have picked the same deposit thing and their payment went through before mine so my payment got kicked out because that ticket item expired. The lady said she still had time to make it and could get it to me in plenty of time so I submitted a new deposit and got confirmation yesterday from both paypal and Etsy that it went through, and sent her all the info she needed to make the topper. I'm back to having a cake topper! Ha ha!

I also talked to my TA today and our documents will be sent out in the next 10 days. She also sent me a slideshow from a wedding she arranged at my resort in August, and low and behold that bride was able to rent pink chair bows down there. I was told I would have to bring them with if I wanted a color to her than white, the WC never told me I could rent them. I don't know how much they cost, but in her pics it looks so nice with the pink bows on the white chairs. I probably would've been just as happy with the white ones, but I do like the pink better.
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