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Nov 08 brides


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I was on the ball early on and got the first aid kids from Target, tropical chapstick with SPF from the dollar tree, pinata pens, flip flop sticky notes, playing cards..that is what is in most of my OOT Bags. Oh and I got a great deal on sunblock so that too. I'm sure I will pick up some last minute things as it gets closer. Oh, I also have like advil, immodium,rolaids. Anything I'm missing??


Oh also girls...my dress isn't even in yet..should I be worried?? Or they haven't even called either..haha I called awhile back and they said 2nd week in Aug. Hmmm...seeing as it's 2nd week in Sept maybe I should call again. Do you guys all have your dresses??

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Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Okay I found more hair pics too.

This one i don't really the like the hair so much, i more like the flower placement but my flower is about half the size:
Click the image to open in full size.

I like this style and it's about the lengh of my hair:
Click the image to open in full size.
I really like that second style Danielle. If your hair is about the smae length, I am sure it would look great on you. What did your hair dresser says about the hair styles?

How is your e-ring and wedding band? Can't wait to see pics of them!!!!

Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
Hey guys! Yikes I haven't been on in 5 days.. how crazy.

Danielle.. thanks for asking about Jayson's dad.. he seems to be doing okay. He's home resting so we are just playing the waiting game. Heh.

I went to get my dress altered last weekend.. just the hem needed to be done really or so I thought. I tried it on and it was a bit BIG on me! Crikey. Not enough for it to be an issue yet, but I have to try to maintain my weight now instead of losing more. I hadn't realized my body was sooo different from when I tried on the dress back in february! I go back the beginning of october to make sure the hem is right, then we'll see if I need the booby cups sewn in.. which so far I don't cause it's loosened up a bit. Ah well.

Oh I also had a mini meltdown over the weekend. I've been trying not to stress out about all this wedding stuff, but apparently I'm more stressed than I thought cause I just started bawling my eyes out sunday morning.. I was convincing myself Jayson didn't love me anymore and didn't want to marry me.. crazy stuff.. I know that's not true. Ugh. Hopefully I don't have any more of those.

I also got maybe half of my RSVP cards back.. grrrr! I knew that would happen, but still, it's really annoying! Fak. Especially from people who are already married, so they should KNOW to send back the damn RSVP's.

There is a 1 in my siggy.. I just can't believe it.
I am glad to hear that Jayson's Dad is at home and doing alright.

As for RSVP's, I was not the best with them, as I always had the best of intentions, but then I wouldn't have a stamp or something, so it would be last minute. I tell you, now I will be going out to get that stamp right away if I don't have one!

That is always nice to know that you have to maintain your weight rather than lose more!!!! That is awesome. I still need to lose a bit more.

As for the break down....I have them every once in awhile. I think it is partially the wedding planning, partially my job (which I do love, but it is stressfull, sometimes more so than other times), and of course the kids (they aren't bad but Justin is very busy and distructive, and Hailey is at the age she wants independance and gets attitude if she doesn't like something that is happening). I had to take an Ativan one day to calm down and that almost knocked me on my ass. I wasn't sleeping, but I was basically a zombie!!

I can't believe how quick everything is coming. I get nervous/excited when your tickers start changing by a month, as I know mine isn't that far behind!

Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
Wow my thing said 12346 unread posts!! Hello!! someone hasn't been on here in uhhhh...a long time.

My bachelorette party weekend is next weekend so I was just working on my BMs gifts (i'm giving them to them next weekend at the bachelorette)
Wow, that is a lot of posts!!! My first shower is this coming weekend, and although I was going to give the girls their gifts in the Dominican the night before the wedding, I am now thinking that I will give them to them this weekend. This shower will not be a big party party. It will be a more intimate get together I think, so it might be more fitting, and then the girls don't have to worry about finding earrings and necklaces, or beachbags!!!

Everyone think that sounds good?

Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
I was on the ball early on and got the first aid kids from Target, tropical chapstick with SPF from the dollar tree, pinata pens, flip flop sticky notes, playing cards..that is what is in most of my OOT Bags. Oh and I got a great deal on sunblock so that too. I'm sure I will pick up some last minute things as it gets closer. Oh, I also have like advil, immodium,rolaids. Anything I'm missing??

Oh also girls...my dress isn't even in yet..should I be worried?? Or they haven't even called either..haha I called awhile back and they said 2nd week in Aug. Hmmm...seeing as it's 2nd week in Sept maybe I should call again. Do you guys all have your dresses??
I have had my dress for awhile, but since we got it off ebay, it only took 2 weeks to get here. If they said it would be here the second week of Aug, then I would definately be calling and finding out what is happening with it!!!
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Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post
I would be going crazy not knowing when my shower would be! You still don't have any clue?
I have no clue. I kinda think it's at the end of September but no one has made plans with me for anyday at the end of Sept. I have been checking my registry and looks like more things are being purchased. So i figure they sent the invites out at least. It's kind of bothering me because 1. i want to look good for it and 2. i feel like i can't make plans to do anything. lol OH well, i'll just keep checking my registry until i can narrow down the date a little better.

Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post
I love this hairstyle, and I think it would look really cute on you.
Thanks Michelle. i think i'm leaning towards that style now.

Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
Oh also girls...my dress isn't even in yet..should I be worried?? Or they haven't even called either..haha I called awhile back and they said 2nd week in Aug. Hmmm...seeing as it's 2nd week in Sept maybe I should call again. Do you guys all have your dresses??
I have my dress, i would definately call them because you should have your dress by now and starting fittings. Maybe they forgot to call you or didn't leave a message. When did you order it?

Originally Posted by EricaG View Post
I really like that second style Danielle. If your hair is about the smae length, I am sure it would look great on you. What did your hair dresser says about the hair styles?

How is your e-ring and wedding band? Can't wait to see pics of them!!!!
My hair dresser liked the second style but told me to get a tighter curl/wave like this style Click the image to open in full size.
She thought that curl would stay better in my hair. so i think i'll go with a combo of those two styles.

I LOVE LOVE my wedding band with my ering. So glad to have my ering. I was a little sad after i tried my two rings on together because i had to put the wedding band back in it's box and away till the wedding. I'll take pics as soon as i can.

Okay girls i'm off BDW for the day. i just wanted to do a quick check in with my Nov girls and now i have a lot of work to do. smile27.gif
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Originally Posted by amyrak View Post

Oh also girls...my dress isn't even in yet..should I be worried?? Or they haven't even called either..haha I called awhile back and they said 2nd week in Aug. Hmmm...seeing as it's 2nd week in Sept maybe I should call again. Do you guys all have your dresses??

I would definitely call about your dress. I'd think you'd want to get in for alterations really soon, and I know here this is a busy time of year for alterations people!
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Okay first...1,112 posts on this thread! MY GOSH we are a chatty bunch aren't wehuh.gif?


Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
Okay I found more hair pics too.


This one i don't really the like the hair so much, i more like the flower placement but my flower is about half the size:

Click the image to open in full size.

Ooohh Danielle...I love this one! I actually may steal it since I think FI wants my hair down. The salon at our hotel doesn't do the greatest of jobs on hair and I figure I am paying enough for hair product - I should be able to do it all by myself. If I wear it down I can. If I wear it up - I have no idea how I can get all my hair to hold up. Also, our hotel is a $20 cab ride to PV. So it would be the cost of a different salon plus a $40 cab ride. I've always done my own hair - I don't think it could be that hard. I'll definitely need to do a trial or two before we go!


Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
Hey guys! Yikes I haven't been on in 5 days.. how crazy.


Jayson's dad.. he seems to be doing okay. He's home resting so we are just playing the waiting game. Heh.


I went to get my dress altered last weekend.. just the hem needed to be done really or so I thought. I tried it on and it was a bit BIG on me!


Oh I also had a mini meltdown over the weekend. I've been trying not to stress out about all this wedding stuff, but apparently I'm more stressed than I thought cause I just started bawling my eyes out sunday morning..


I also got maybe half of my RSVP cards back.. grrrr! I knew that would happen, but still, it's really annoying! Fak. Especially from people who are already married, so they should KNOW to send back the damn RSVP's.


Okay I think I'm done for now. Hopefully everyone else is doing well :)


There is a 1 in my siggy.. I just can't believe it.

First of all - great news about FFIL - you've been under so much stress lately - a meltdown was probably theraputic to get it all out. Awesome about the dress. I don't know which is worse - worrying about not fitting in your dress or maintaining your weight to make sure you fit into the darn thing!


I am feeling you on the RSVP's...but what do you do??


Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
Time is going by fast. My bachelorette party weekend is next weekend so I was just working on my BMs gifts (i'm giving them to them next weekend at the bachelorette) I got them the cute beach bags from Michael's a long time ago and I put some sun screen and other trinkets like travel candles with their initial. Then I need to pick up their jewelry still this weekend. I also ordered them all a book that relates to their personality or likes for them to take to read in Mexico since they are all readers like me. I'm going to write a little something on each of the insides of the book too like thanks for being a part of my special day and being a great friend..etc. So I actually felt like I got something accomplished tonight so I thought I better post :)


So quickly update me on all that has happened in that past month in one paragraph..HAHA jksmile105.gif

The books sound great! You sound like you got it together girl!!


Originally Posted by amyrak View Post
Oh also girls...my dress isn't even in yet..should I be worried?? Or they haven't even called either..haha I called awhile back and they said 2nd week in Aug. Hmmm...seeing as it's 2nd week in Sept maybe I should call again. Do you guys all have your dresses??
I would ABSOLUTELY call on the dress!


Well - yesterday FI shaved off all of his facial hair. When he does this it's around day 7 or so when he has the perfect amount of stubble that is SO FREAKIN HOT! I love it! He is too cute - he knows I like it so he is timing it so he knows when to shave it all off so that he has that perfect look I love the day of the wedding. I am giggling as I write this because it is so sweet. Hehe!


Last night I was on the phone with my older sis and she said she would call me back because my best friend Erika/MOH was on the other line. So she (my sis) calls me later and says "Erika is too funny. Your bachelorette party is going to be SO MUCH FUN - did you realize you were getting married in two months"?! SO it sounds like my MOH is on the ball with the planning. YAY!!


Damn Danielle....you'll find out soon enough! Your teeth are white, you got your e-ring and have a hair appointment...don't worry - I think you'll be fine! Just make sure you have a cute outfit in the closet ready!

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Haha! I couldnt stay away. Oh and i just had signed off again and then talked to my TA so i had to tell you girls what she did. I adore my TA, not sure if i told you girls before, but she decided to do something special for me so she set up a private beach dinner for me and derek while were in Punta Cana. Isn't that the sweet?! It'll be the day before everyone gets in so it's perfect. I'm so happy now that made my day! I was going to set up a beach dinner myself but then decided not to since i've already gone above our budget so i'm really excited to get our beach dinner again!!!!

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That is so exciting. I am excited about getting a couple massage on the beach one night. We have talked about getting massages on the beach before, but never ended up doing it, so this time we are doing the couples moonlight massage!! It will be so soothing and relaxing I think. Hmmm....that beach dinner does sound great though....you have a great TA Danielle!!!!

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