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Nov 08 brides


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I really wanted to have Sarah make our invitations because her work is really good, but since fi had bought most of the stuff for them a few months ago and we couldnt' take it back looks like that's what we'll be doing this weekend. We have a part on Saturday but i guess Sunday and Monday we'll be making boarding pass invites. I just received the envelopes and folders for them today. I'm actually getting excited to make them now.

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the jeweler that made my e-ring got very sick right after he made it, he has bone cancer. He does really great work and we know at least 5 of our friends that have gotten their rings from him. I just found yesterday that he is doing better and will be working at home if we would like to get our bands from him. I'm so excited. I felt awful when i heard how sick he was, even though i never met him I've always heard how nice he is and he was really helpful when Derek designed my ring. i guess i'll be looking for a wedding band soon.

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My MOH I've been friends with since kindergarten :) Her scrapbook will be easier because I have pics of us in kindergarten right up to graduation and more recent stuff... lots of memories! My other BM I've known since grade 8. The three of us have been best friends since then and since high school we knew we would all be in each others' wedding parties :) I'm the first to get married of the three of us though, so I've had to wing it.. thank god for this forum :)


Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
they will love those scrapbooks, that's really sweet. Are your bm's long time friends or family?
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Haha.. FI got his on friday and he wore it ALL WEEKEND. He's so excited about his ring he's really cute. He won't wear it during the week because he's on a construction site, but I bet he'll put it on every weekend right up until we leave :)


Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
Thats awesome! I try mine on every now an again, shhhhhh dont tell! I cant wait to wear it all the time!
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Originally Posted by lucy106 View Post
I think this weekend I am going to print my invitation envelopes and that may be about it. What do you all hope to accomplish this week/weekend?
Instead of going on a weekend getaway I will be working on my invitations. I have to print the rest of the travel cards and the invitations themselves and then assemble. My goal is to get them out by June, and this is the only weekend that I will have time to do anything wedding related so I need to do it now. I can't believe how quickly time goes by. I still have so much stuff to do, but I figure the earlier I can get the invites out and start getting RSVPs the quicker I will be able to get the rest of the things done since I need to know a more accurate guest count to order OOT bags, etc.
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Originally Posted by Chiquita View Post
My MOH I've been friends with since kindergarten :) Her scrapbook will be easier because I have pics of us in kindergarten right up to graduation and more recent stuff... lots of memories! My other BM I've known since grade 8. The three of us have been best friends since then and since high school we knew we would all be in each others' wedding parties :) I'm the first to get married of the three of us though, so I've had to wing it.. thank god for this forum :)
Oh - that is SO sweet! I wish I was creative enough to scrapbook - they are going to love their books!

I have no plans for the weekend except to clean my house! My windows are filthy, so that's my plan. I am taking Friday off so I'll have an extra day to do it! I hope to get my bags in soon. I got my handkerchiefs in yesterday, and my blumeboxes too. I need to get some stuff done at home because we are having a huge double b-day party for both of my kids on June 7th.

After I get that stuff done, I can think about wedding stuff. I am feeling overwhelmed right now with wedding stuff. One thing at a time....I'm going to take a wedding break for a while and focus on my house and work, so if I'm not on as much -that's why. Have a great Memorial Day weekend. Good luck at the Doctor tomorrow Steph!
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