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September 2008 Brides

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I finally got my invites in and I should have them out this weekend. I got my napkins and matchbooks in the other day.... Still a ton to do though!!

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Ok, so am I the only one having mini panic attacks about September coming here so fast?! I feel like I have tons to do but really can't until I finalize my guest count. I'm suppose to be getting my invitations next week and I asked for an RSVP by June 21st. I just feel like that is so close to the wedding date and I won't have enough time to get everything completed in time. smile35.gif

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Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin View Post
Ok, so am I the only one having mini panic attacks about September coming here so fast?! I feel like I have tons to do but really can't until I finalize my guest count. I'm suppose to be getting my invitations next week and I asked for an RSVP by June 21st. I just feel like that is so close to the wedding date and I won't have enough time to get everything completed in time. smile35.gif
You will be fine sweetie. I have my RSVP as June 15th so that is about the same as you. I haven't bought jack for my OOT bags. I haven't even figured out what kind of bags I am doing lol. I figure there is no use rushing it and buying too much or buying too little. Just do what you can do before the RSVP timeline and you will be fine.
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I am a September bride too, September 1. I have:




wedding/honeymoon location

airline tickets

OOT Bags

confirmed all guests


....what elsehuh.gif I don't guess I have anything else to do. I am keeping it simple. I am not doing a reception there. There will only be 7 of us so we will just go to one of the restaurants (AI resort).


I am done, well, except for toning up so I look good in my dress. I found that if I hang around on this site too much (no intention of offending anyone), I get caught up in all the planning and I want to then do more. I chose a DW so it would be simple. I love this place but you ladies are so talented and skilled (many of you should be WC/planners yourselves) you make me want to bite off more than I am able to chew.

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Originally Posted by meandpaul View Post
I am a September bride too, September 1. I have:

wedding/honeymoon location
airline tickets
OOT Bags
confirmed all guests

....what elsehuh.gif I don't guess I have anything else to do. I am keeping it simple. I am not doing a reception there. There will only be 7 of us so we will just go to one of the restaurants (AI resort).

I am done, well, except for toning up so I look good in my dress. I found that if I hang around on this site too much (no intention of offending anyone), I get caught up in all the planning and I want to then do more. I chose a DW so it would be simple. I love this place but you ladies are so talented and skilled (many of you should be WC/planners yourselves) you make me want to bite off more than I am able to chew.
Yeah, if I hadn't found this site my wedding would have been a lot different. I am excited about doing some of the DIY stuff. I am not very good at it though so I end up having people do it for me lol. But I would have never have thought of OOT bags or boarding pass invites. I am like you though I have no talent for the DIY.
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I am a Sept. 5th bride! I wanted Sept. or Oct. to avoid some Nevada heat but wasn't sure of a day so I picked the date after reviewing numerology and astrology. Note that mercury is in retrograde Sept. 24 - Oct. 15th whatever that means. I forget all the details of why but I avoided those dates.


I got formally engaged April 6th but knew we were planning to do it later this year so since he was taking forever with the ring I got started in February. I ordered the dress in Feb. and it arrived April 16th as my size was a special order and not off the rack. I didn't like it but I liked a shorter dress that I had also ordered for other parties so I am getting that lengthened with a duplicate of the dress that I bought since I couldn't just get material. Appt. with seamstress/designer is this Friday.


I went to Paris on vacation like 2 weeks after we became official so I had to rush a lot of ordering before I left so I wouldn't lose the time. I spent February and March looking at local venues but once I realized having it local meant having 100s of people and what that would cost....I decided at the beginning of April to do Lake Las Vegas in Nevada. We are guessing about 40-50 will come.


I knew I wanted fancy unique invites so I found Embellishments - Custom Designed Invitations after googling for unique invitations. Trish did an amazing job. Will post when I get them uploaded to a share site. She sent a draft before I left and worked on a couple other designs while I was gone. I came back to 3 samples in the mail and we tweaked one of the lace options and got rid of the feathers in the box as the FI wasn't liking it. I gave final proofing 2 weeks ago and they should be here in a couple days.


I didn't do a save the date...I did put up a website immediately and updated it with info as we figured out the plans. I emailed it to friends and those without email found out the when and where by word of mouth so they could start booking. People have booked tickets and I havent gotten the invites out yet!


About 7 days after becoming official I booked an engagement portrait session at the local Sears...because they could do it that same day that I got the idea and we could have the pics instantly so I could add them to the website before I left for vacation.


Since I already had a plan about where I wanted to do it before getting engaged I put deposits down before I left for vacation also...like within a week of engagement.


We booked airfare to Nevada and from there to Hawaii last weekend. No idea of hotel yet for Hawaii. I used AMEX points to get a free suite at the new Trump hotel in Vegas for a few days. Thats booked.


I picked two places to taste cakes when I go check out my venues in June.


I picked the menu last week.


Ordered a veil online last week.


Finally got baby and younger years pics of the FI so I added those to the wedding site.


I have mom and grandma working on any bible verses or poems they suggest.


Set up registries over the last few weeks and constantly update my wedding site.


I've got a draft list of music I want during the ceremony and of songs for the Ipod to play during the yacht reception cruise.


Lost 15 lbs so far toward weight loss goal for the wedding.


Found FI wedding band on ebay and we dropped it off to get it sized.


Finally forced FI to go get fitted for tux and pick out style.


Photos, florist, minister, etc is included in my package so I don't have anything to do with those except tell them what I want.


Ordered a camcorder today....in lieu of using that money for a videographer....cheaper and we'll have it for the honeymoon vacation and other moments.


No bridesmaid tasks as I am not having any.


And I think that is it so far!

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I thought I would check in with all the September brides and see how everyone is! Can you believe September is coming soooo soon?!


Does everyone have all the major obstacles covered? I think I'm almost done with the big stuff, it's just little things here and there I need to start working on. We are having more guests than we anticipated, so I have to go back and purchase more items for my OOT bags. I think I may not have enough raffia fans for the ceremony as well. I'm going to have to count them tonight.


I hope everyone's planning is going great!!

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I am going in for a fitting today. I am picking out the bridesmaids dresses this weekend. I just booked our photographer. I went and bought a ton of stuff of the OOT bags yesterday. All we need to do now is get Ryan's suit. Everything else can be done when we get down there. I just finished up my Newsletter as well. I guess I will send that in August sometime. I am still not sure how many people we will have. Right now it is 24 but could easily be over 35 by the end of it. If so I will have to go buy more bags and fillings for the OOT. I can't believe how fast it is coming! YAY! We are having our legal ceremony on 8-8-8. I need to figure out what we are going to do for that. Are you girls doing the Boudoir pics? I am thinking of doing them this month sometime. If I can get a freakin' tan with as much as I have been running around I have let that slip.

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