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Your sis is being a brat. Plain and simple. You told her a year ago that you wouldn't be paying for guy; nothing's changed.


I say you tell her that if she can't pay for him (or he pay for himself), and she can't live without him for a few days, then she needs to consider whether or not she needs to attend the wedding.

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Originally Posted by cmmdee View Post
Well she just proceeded to basically dictate to me over the phone about how
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I would never say such hurtful things to her. She didn't even apologize.
Not saying that it's okay for her to act like this, but I think for some reason she's saying such hurtful things because she is very hurt too (don't know why though!) Like you said, she's probably jealous of the fact that you're getting married & she isn't right now.

If you guys have a pretty good relationship then maybe when you're both more calm you need to try to have another talk. Let her know how much she hurt you by saying those things & explain that you would love to help her (event hough it's not true!) but you just can't afford it. I think she was unresponsive during your talk because she was on a mission. She probably told herself at the beginning of the convo that she wasn't going to give in, so that's why it turned mean in the end.

Me & my sister have said some nasty things to each other, but we're usually able to fix it once we've both calmed down. I really hope that you guys can sort it out too!
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aw honey. sorry your sister is being a psycho. did you read my thread about my sister? its a doozy, might make you feel better. what is it with sisters latelyhuh.gif


it is TOTALLY and UTTERLY ridiculous that she wants you to pay for a ticket for her friend.

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Your sister is being ridiculous!!! If people can't afford to come, than don't come. Why should you have to pay for them. Yes, its your wedding but if people decide to go, they are getting a vacation out of it. Why should you have to pay for her man's vacation. Screw that! Your sis needs to grow up. Your being way nicer than I would be about it. hopefully she changes her tune!

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Why does she think you would ever pay for a ticket for her friend? Like you said, you are not paying for anyone else's ticket! If she wants him to go so bad she needs to pay for it. And it's not like they haven't known about this! What a PITA for you! So sorry!

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Not to laugh, but this has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I have read so far. She is pissed because she wants YOU to pay for HER boyfriend. Wow- I would hope if you were going to pay for ANYONE to go, her BF would be at the bottom of the list (unless you were close with him, of course.)


If this were my sister, I'd let her have some time to rant. THen once she calmed down a bit, I would repeat all of the stupid crap she just said- so she knows truly how ridiculous she sounds. Next time she goes on a vacation, make sure you whine and cry to her- oh ya, don't forget call her selfish- if she doesn't pay for your FI to go.

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Originally Posted by cmmdee View Post
Thanks, guys. You have all made me feel better!
We have had this planned for a YEAR AND A HALF. So it's MORE than enough time that everyone has known about the date which is just 2 months, 2 weeks and 4 days. But who's counting. :) LOL

She is being such a ding dong!
EXACTLY - what a little brat! Don't let her bother you. I'm sure they'll find a way or they'll just have to survive a couple of days without eachother!
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