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A poem I wrote


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That's really beautiful! How sweet is that?!? I think it'd be best if you read it to him at the reception. That way you can explain how you just knew it when you met. I think the story behind it really gives it extra special meaning.

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Okay so that night I gave him the poem he wrote this one at work and gave it to me the next morning. It slightly mimics what I wrote but sooo sweet


Ive wondered the earth for such a long time

Praying and hoping for someone to be mine

I open my heart to those that I meet

Truely believeing they are the right one for me

But for reasons unknown, I cannot explain

It always seems to end in heartache and pain

'til along came an angel with green sparkly eyes

full of love and kindness, she's a welcome surprise

She has lifted my spirits and warmed up my heart

It would be truely sad if we were ever to part

So, Lord if you hear these words that I say

All I ask of you is please don't take her away


Sweet right? Only to be topped with.. about two months after this we were talking about how funny it was we both knew right away and how we wrote eachother poems to express how we felt because we were too scared to say it and he goes "yeah, when I was writing that poem, I couldn't think of anything that rymed with heart except fart" Well, at least he is sweet sometimes!! HA HA HA

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