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Moon Palace Review No pics yet - Very Long!


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Aaron has the pics at work so I am going to tell you a little about our stay and I will add pics soon I promise!!


Monday we arrive. Aaron's parents, sister and FI, and my parents had got there Sunday. So we literally walk through the door and MIL see's us and says "They don't know anything about FSIL wedding - they don't even know about your wedding. All the rooms are scattered all over the place and I have been working all morning trying to get them together." WHAT?? Okay so I calmed her down by saying I KNOW they know about our wedding , I have been emailing my WC every day for like 2 weeks now. And by the way thanks for the welcome right! Seriously. So we go check in and then go talk to the WC people who have our appointment all set up. Went very smooth.

However we had the crappiest TA ever!! Sorry but she emailed us a dozen emails saying that we had a room block and everyones rooms were together. We get down there and MP people say that our travel agents company actually owns "rooms" as timeshares - there are no rooms that are together and the travel agent certainly knew that. So MIL talks the front desk into putting all our rooms together - everyone repacks there stuff and moves and now we are all in the same part. Kind of a mess but it all worked out.


Tuesday - we meet with our WC and she is absolutely awesome! Elisa is her name. Aaron's parents had flown in our catholic priest who married us in the catholic gazebo. That way we could do the legal *free* ceremony w/ the justice of the peace there and then our FR. blessed our marriage. Anyways so that all went great until we went to have our blood test. I wasn't worried b/c everyone on here said it was all clean and sterile. So there was another couple ahead of us and then Aaron went in and I noticed the guy drawing blood hadn't CHANGED HIS GLOVES ONE TIME!! Hello?? I work in a hospital so I am a bit anal I guess because I was the first one that noticed - I walked in and I said you need to change your gloves - and he just looked at me like he didn't know what I was saying. I motioned for him to take his gloves off and he did and then began unwrapping the syringe. I stopped him and said you have to put gloves on to draw my blood and he actually rolled his eyes at me!! Then he proceeded to look in every single drawer and nook and cranny and couldn't find any gloves! Seriously he was wearing one pair of rubber gloves to draw EVERYBODY!! Finally he found some way in the back of a cupboard and put them on - I didn't even want to think of if they had been used before or not - then he wrote our names on a piece of paper - numbered - and placed the unnumberd vial of open blood in his little kit. There were about 12 other unnumbered/named vials of blood just sitting there open. It was very very wierd and it made us wonder if they even test it at all. I mean you can't leave blood just sitting out for hours. It was very very wierd. Not to scare anyone but just make sure they freakin change their gloves for pete's sake!!


Wednesday was our rehearsal dinner. I had put this on my welcome letter to meet in the lobby at 6:00. I got all dressed up and walk down and there is FSIL in shorts and a tank. Ok. So she says she is not going - she doesn't want to eat because she has to fit in her dress?? What?? So we go without her. We went to a great steakhouse and it was very fun and really nice. MIL and FIL left right before dinner and came back right after dinner so it was a little wierd but I didn't think anything of it. Then we meet up to play mini golf and SIL and everyone is there TRASHED and SIL has all these "bride to be" buttons and everything on. Turns out she had her own rehersal dinner and didn't invite us or say anything about it. So it was a little wierd to me but whatever.


Thursday is the wedding day - we had to change our time to 5:45 because we wanted the catholic gazebo. The justice of the peace did the legal part and the our FR took over. There was no mass, communion or anything he said a few prayers and blessed our rings and our marriage. It actually all worked out better then the 4:00 time and the pictures were right at sunset so they turned out beautiful - but let me just say - Don't get too drunk! Because I totally did at our reception!! I think I was just so happy to be married and that everything went good and so I kind let loose a little too much! The wedding was perfect and the reception was so fun they let us go for an extra hour and we got to keep the music and the beer and it cost us a whole $20! It was awesome! - I had 2 shots of tequila at the very very end and was done for. But we had a great time and so did our guests. I just brought my IPOD with the songs in order and the sound system was great - everyone was dancing and having a wonderful time! It went SO Fast!


Friday was SIL wedding at noon - it was very nice honestly but also very very hot. They had a reception outside at 1 and I was sweating my arse off! There wasn't much dancing and it was a bit more casual - then we went to lunch and that was basically it. THEN Aaron's other brother surprised his wife of 15 years with a vow renewal. It was so sweet to be honest. She was so surprised and it was really cute. So there were 2 weddings and a vow renewal. Then the fun began - we were walking back to MIL room about 10 p.m. and Aaron's little brother came up all bloody and f'd up - someone had beat him up - so Aaron and his brother and SIL's husband are freaking out - security came and everyone was yelling - security said they were going to call the policia - I started freaking out b/c I had only had a husband for one day - I didn't want him to end up in mexico's jail - Hello!! So everyone eventually settled down - and it was quite a fiasco.


Saturday some family left and Sunday some more did and we left Monday. We didn't really go on any excursions but it was drama filled!! We mostly sat out by the pool and ate a ton! I wish we were still there - but also glad to be home! Sorry there are no pics but I promise I will post them soon!!


Anyways sorry this is so long!!

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Betsy - Glad your back and a married woman!


Sounds like you handled everything with your SIL like the poised lady you are and had a wonderful day!


Glad to have you back - can't wait to see pics!


Also sounds like your party was better than SIL's. Hers pretty much sounds like it was an afterthought!

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Betsy, I have some questions and am not sure where's the right thread to ask you them or if I should just PM you...so I figured i'd ask in the review thread :)


Did you do a full reception or just a coctail? Also, did you do the cake cutting in the gazebo? How did it work?

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yay betsy, sounds like you had a pretty great time :) i'm so glad you ended up being able to let SIL's BS roll off you like water on a duck. you rock, and i'm so proud of you for handling yourself so well! can't wait for the pics :)

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Congratulations on being a MRS!!!! It sounds like everything went wonderfully. But I was sort of hoping you'd push SIL into the pool. But, if that's the only disappointment, I'll live with it!


Yay!!! Welcome back!!!! We missed you!!!

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Wow Betsy! You have such a great attitude about everything. It proves you were in this for the marriage, not just the wedding and understand what really is important.


WHo beat up BIL? I'm confused. Was he at the resort or out bar-hopping?


I'm glad SIL drama wasn't as bad as it could have been.

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